
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Painting Faces

I spent some time today painting these two faces that I drew some time ago. I haven't painted faces for quite some time, so it was fun to try it again. I don't think I am quite finished with the one above yet. But, I am done for now. The process I used was to photocopy and transfer my drawings on to watercolour paper (which created some "holes" in the paintings) and then I painted them with watercolour crayons, and some acrylic paints.

The words on the top one say "whatever you can do or dream you can begin it. boldness has a genius, power and magic in it. begin it now" J.W. Goethe

The bottom one may get some words yet. They will both probably get sewn to a piece of coloured paper and a layer of wax on yet. I haven't added the wax yet, as I am not sure if they are finished. Once they have the wax on they have to be finished (or it is harder to change them after that) I will see.......

Monday, May 24, 2010

Books on an Non-Book Day!

I didn't think I was going to make books today. Actually I had decided to take a break from book making, and do some painting and collage work. But then last night before bed, I looked at my niece's blog, and she had made this really cute little book, and I couldn't resist giving it a try. I have made these style of books before - but not for a long time, and I had forgotten all about them. I had a very enjoyable day puttering at these books. These books are great if you have never made a book before and want to try. (My niece has a link to a tutorial on her blog.) The first one I made is the larger brighter orange one. It has 7-8 pages (2 sided) in total - 3 pages are also envelopes to hold tags.

I then decided to make one with a double set of pages (15 - pieces of paper) - and to make it more in my style. The paper covering this one, is handmade paper that I made some time ago. I dyed the paper, and then stamped on it. I also used some fabric for the spine. This one has four envelope pages with tags inside. (2 side loading, 2 top loading)
Now this teensy tiny book was lots of fun to make. (It has the red cover in the first picture) You can write a favourite quote in it by writing one or two words on each page.
And the medium sized one on the first picture is this one. I wrote a quote in it and will be sending it off in the mail soon to my sister that lives miles away.

May Long Weekend

It was a beautiful May Long Weekend - and as usual the leaves were not out at the beginning of the weekend, but popped out by the end of it. We went to Kluane Lake for the day on Saturday, and the ice was not out yet - but according to the hubby it is not usually out until June. But as the picture shows above there was already a lot of open water - so if a big wind comes the lake may be ice free before June rolls in.

Although there were a few springs flowers beginning to show their colours, I seemed to focus on the dead flowers from last season.
A magpie came around to see what I was up to.....
and on the way home we saw about 30 snow geese feeding on the mud flats by the river.

My weekend also found me busy building a fire pit close to our house, and spending some hours creating.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Another Book

I had a day off today, and amidst some chores I made some time to make another book. This one is the same style as the ones in the previous post, but bigger in size, and instead of just decorated with the paper, I added a picture of trees I took this spring. It closes with a flap around the edge of the pages that tucks under the button sewn to the front.
The book is soft covered made with layer of material, paper, medium, paint, ink, and a coat of paste wax on the top.
Here is a close up of the fuzzy trees with ink smeared on them - and the button used for closing.
The inside pages are blank, but grunged up a bit with ink around the edges. Around all 3 signatures is a page of text with paint and ink on.

I enjoyed making this book, as well as how it turned out.... Not sure what will come next. I have also been busy drawing some faces. But rather than spending hours on each face, I have been trying to make them loose and quick. I don't quite have the hang of the quick scribble drawing, but I will continue to practice.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Books for Sale.....

I have been making and selling books for a few years now. I make them all year round, and then sell that at craft sales usually close to Christmas. I finally finished these three small ones that I thought would be fairly quick to make - but they weren't, everything takes more time than expected. I did enjoy making them - or else why would I do it? Creating for me is essential to my feeling of happiness of self.
The books close by putting the flap that wraps around the edge of the pages under the button on the front of the book.
They are made with layers of paper and fabric, all sealed together with matte medium and a paste wax finish. The covers are sturdy, yet pliable. They are quite small, but too me that is part of their appeal. And so I ask - how much would people be willing to pay for a small handmade book such as these when you can buy cute manufactured blank books in so many stores these days? I would love to hear any answers.......

Sunday, May 9, 2010

New Book and Crocuses

My book this week, gave me a chance to use the tree image I had been wanting to use the moment I took it about a month ago. It was a fun book to make. It has a soft cover (my favourite at the moment), but very durable. The back cover has a flap that wraps around the front of the book, and the pages are enclosed.
The cover is made up of layers of paper, material, paint and ink, and of course tea bags (another favourite of the moment). The cover is sewn together, and then a layer of wax was rubbed into it, until it has a slight sheen.
The pages are made of 90 lb. watercolour paper, and each page was decorate with ink and paint and the sewn around.

I enjoyed making it.... but now my brain is busy thinking about the next books I want to make. Unfortunately - back to the day job tomorrow, so no time for book making tomorrow.

Today was Mother's Day - the tradition in our house is to go together with my parents and my kids and hubby to a place close by called crocus hill. The mountains were a bit stormy this year, but the crocuses were amazing! It is always so lovely after the winter of snow and cold to enjoy the first blooms of spring.

I took many crocus pictures - and my husband took some of me laying in the crocuses .... one of which I put up for my profile image. The warmth of the sun felt wonderful as I lay in the field of crocuses.
Another Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Six Hour Little Book

I spent 6 hours this weekend making this little book. As always I didn't think it would take so long, and looking at it, you wouldn't think it would take so long. I used paper from an old book that I painted over,stamped over, smeared ink on and then drew on..... and I did it on every page - that was part of the reason it took so long.
I bound it using the coptic stitch binding - which means every page lies flat.

The book has lots of pages (92 pages if you count each decorated side!) - I guess that is why the book took so long to make! I enjoyed making it - but I look at it and wonder if it was worth the amount of time it took me! Oh well - at least it was fun - now back to work tomorrow - and a busy week it will be!