
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I Sold Out - Well Almost!

Here I am with my table all set up and ready for sales at the Cranberry Fair art sale I was at last weekend. I was extremely pleased at how busy I was, how much I sold, and with the many wonderful comments I received from people who looked at my creations.

I was also very happy to have my very creative niece with me to help me out. Unfortunately I couldn't sell her beautiful creations, as this was a juried sale.

I had a real variety of items for sale, ranging from books and cards ...

to jewelry and original art works. All sold very well. I should have taken a picture at the end of the day, as my table only had a very few things remaining on it.... but I was too tired to think of that.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Almost Ready!

I had big plans for the day - but days don't always go as planned, and today was no exception due to an injured young one needing tending to. Because of it I had difficulty focusing, so I said no to a few projects I was going to finish, and am putting the final touches and packaging on numerous items I will be selling at a art sale this weekend. I have a few name tags to glue on yet, bags to collect,
and a few boxes to finish packing.

but, most of it is packaged, boxed and ready to go.
Putting your hearts making out on a table to sell can be difficult at times, but with bravery in my heart, and positive thoughts in my head I venture forth. I head out early tomorrow morning.
Wish me luck!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

In the Making

I have been very busy this week, making things with tea bags and leaves and fabric and metal. I am trying to build up a bit more inventory of creations, while still enjoying the making.
And after much "eeny meeny miny moeing", I finally decided which pendant I wanted to keep myself. The winner is the one with the face in it. The reason I decided on it was that it contained more of "me", as I painted the face.

Recently I was questioned about how to make these.... I am afraid I can't say more than the bezels are made by soldering pieces of metal together, and then filled with an image and resin - I can't answer that question in detail, as I took an online course from the amazing Stephanie Lee to learn how to make them. I believe she is offering another course very soon. It was a wonderful course, and I would highly recommend it if you are interested in learning how to make them. You can also see a bit more about my makings at this blog post
this post
and this post
Here is the beginning of more tea bag art - I continue to work on the floor surrounded by teabags, dried flowers and leaves, pieces of material, and bottles of ink and glue. It is a good thing my friends like to drink so much tea!

What am I making you may ask..... but for now I have to keep that a secret.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Thursday night was my first of the two craft sales I am doing. It was held in the small town I live in, and only lasts for 2 hours. But what a busy 2 hours it was. The town only has about 800 people, and yet I always sell so much more than I think I will. This is of course great, and it makes me smile to be so supported by this small community. I sold out of a number of items. The hard part of this is that next weekend, is the bigger sale that I am in, and I don't have much time to restock my creations.
And so I have been busy today making more earrings, as I nearly sold out of those.

I love the look of metal with bits of wispy silk, and the middle earrings have pearls I bought in Bali last year.

Besides earrings, I packaged up some original mixed media creations, and now am going to try to make some more cards. I will have time tomorrow, but after that it is back to my busy week of work and regular family activities - so not too much time to create.
P.S. The messiness of my studio has seemed to take over the rest of my house - but I didn't take a picture of that to share!

when you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. ~ rumi

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I Believe in Goodness

Goodness has been happening to me often lately - and it brings a smile to my face and heart. To celebrate my first year of blogging, I offered up a few items for trade. The trades could be in exchange for creations, or random acts of kindness. Kelly Thiel had offered me numerous kindness, as she has been offering up kind words by commenting on my blog for a long time. It was the support I needed to keep me going in those early and unsure days of blogging. Therefore when she commented that she liked this necklace, I was thrilled to send it off to her. AND then, she did another lovely thing and blogged about my gift on her site. Her kind and supportive words are such a wonderful gift.
AND THEN TODAY when I got home from work there was a parcel waiting for me. It was from Crystal Neubauer. She too was interested in trading, and I sent her a package of handpainted face cards in the mail a couple of weeks ago. The package she sent looked lovely, but I could hardly wait to see what was inside,

and when I opened it up, I was thrilled to find this beautiful encaustic collage/painting. Crystal's work is beautiful, and I am thrilled that she was interested in trading items. I keep picking this piece up and looking at it tonight - it continually makes me smile. I will find the perfect place to put it, and cherish it for always.

(above artwork by Crystal, and tied to my parcel)
AND so I want to say a huge thank you to both Kelly and Crystal for their kindness.
I do believe in goodness!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Nice Surprise

Cloth Paper Scissors is a mixed media magazine that I enjoy. They often have challenges and swaps to encourage their readers to create items, and a few months ago they held a swap in which readers could send in Christmas swap items. You can send in your creation, and they send it off to another person, and some of them are pictured in upcoming editions of the magazine.
When I was flipping through the Nov/Dec issue, I was pleased to come across my creation, among numerous other wonderful creations.

and here it is in close up. It is a decoration with a copy of a face I painted, with the words Joy to the World written on it. I am not sure where it ended up.....

but I was fortunate enough to receive this decoration in the mail a few weeks ago.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Jewellery Time

I am always busy - but amongst my normal busy life, I have been trying to finish off some jewellery pieces that I will be selling at local art sales.

I have finished some large bezels

as well as some small bezels that I added to pieces of chains and circles of soldering to create these necklaces.

These small bezels are also ready.
I still need to finish some of the black cords I am sewing that the above can be hung on.
I am slowly getting there.....

Sunday, November 7, 2010


It always amazes me where inspiration comes from.

This tiny wee books (approx 3" X 2") were inspired by images Mystele showed of painted bookcovers she was making. They look nothing like mine (go here and scroll down to see them)

I am not sure how I got these from what she created, but I am glad I did, as they were fun to make. They have an elastic wrapped around them to keep them closed.

and when the elastic is removed the books burst open with pages waiting for notes, little drawings or whatever.

My busy life is keeping me from creating as much as my mind would like me too. Only 11 and 21 more days until the art sales I am in!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Happiness in a Messy Studio

This may look messy - but to me it looks happy - it is a place where I am busy and creating.

And, if you look closely among the mess you will see the makings of some little books - the glue is drying, and the wax coating the covers them is waiting to be polished up before the pages are sewn inside.

In another corner a number of bezels are waiting to be filled with images and beads and resin. These are just in the looking stage - nothing has been glued down - I look and ponder for a while before the final picture is chosen and glued down and filled with resin.

And then there is a basket of paintings waiting to be packaged.

If my studio looks like this, it usually means it has been a day of cleaning and not creating - and then my studio is not such a happy place.