
Monday, June 29, 2015

Collection of Pins

These collection of pins have been in my mind
and on my work table for months. 

They are made from pieces of scrape metal for the backing 
with a piece of recycled paper that I painted and stamped over
and then covered with resin. 

I picture them being worn separately or in groups of two or three.

I pinned them onto mailing tags that I joined together so they can stand up. 

And because it was a nice day, this was my work station for the day. 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

A Bowl Binge

I enjoyed making bowls out of egg carton pulp for my 
Art at the Dump project,
so I decided to make a few more. 

I had been wanting to try making a bigger one

And so I made this one. 

I decorated it by adding some layers of tea bag paper
and some stamped on tissue paper and a bit of paint. 

I finished it off with a layer of wax medium to give it a nice finish.

I made a little ball of paper pulp as well, and decorated it in the same colours.
When you swirl the bowl, the ball rolls around in it very nicely.... it is funny the little things that bring me delight. 

I also finished a couple of small size bowls. 

This one was painted.... 

And this one was covered with layers of coloured tissue paper. 

They can't hold soup or anything,
but I think they will look great  holding all my many treasures
(probably rocks..... )

Besides building bowls, 
I have been trying to get out and enjoy our summer. 

I went hiking with my daughter and her friend

And we enjoyed some time taking pictures together. 

More hiking adventures and bowl making are in the works!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Cabinet of Curiosites

As part of the 'Art at the Dump' project
I drew and collaged this piece
on a paper covered piece of cardboard 
(paper and cardboard both acquired from the dump).

I used it to decorate the door of the 'Cabinet of Curiosities'

Inside the cabinet I added the pieces I created,
but left lots of room for pieces that community members were going to create.

I had fun playing with used light bulbs. 
 I added a hat and balls made out of egg carton paper pulp to this one,
and secured it to a block of wood with a furnace filter (found at the dump). 
The filter took a lot of work to clean up, but worked really well to secure the light bulb. 

This emptied light bulb is filled with feathers.  

The cabinet also contains bowls made out out egg carton paper pulp and
decorated with coloured sewing pattern paper,

corks decorated with hand carved stamps

and wooden blocks (found at the dump) decorated with collage and drawings. 

 After a day of community creating
where I was very busy helping so many people (mostly kids & youth)
create items for the cabinet, our cabinet was full.  

Some of the kids actually took their creations home,
which was fine as the cabinet still had lots of wonderful creations.