
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Finished Bits - Necklaces

I finally had some time to put some of the bits together 
into some necklaces. 

I made some longer necklaces with lots of 
dangling bits

Dangles were added behind this resin on recycled metal piece 
I made some time ago.

Hammered and coiled metal pieces make up this shorter necklace.

And hammered and twisted pieces made up this one.

I enjoyed playing with bits and pieces
to create all of these pieces.

And in the end decided to keep
this simple piece for myself. 

If any of these appeal to you, 
I would love to know which one.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

A One Day Adventure


Fall was in full splendor the first week of September
so my daughter and I headed out
for a 1 day adventure.
Our first stop was only a few miles from our Yukon home.  

There are only a few roads out of the town we live in

but this one that leads up and over a mountain pass
crosses the Canadian border into the United States,
and then travels down to the Alaskan coast
is my favourite.

There is beautiful scenery every way you look,
but I had to be satisfied with taking pictures out the car windows
or we wouldn't have made it. 

We did stop at the pass
after climbing up above tree line.

And then began to wind our way down
towards the coastal forest
and the ocean.

Where the trees are larger,
grow higher up the mountainsides
and are not yet in full fall colours.


We spent some time exploring by the ocean

and walking some coastal forest trails

Until our day had passed,
and it was time to  
drive the road home again.

Back up over the mountain pass

 viewing the mountains from a different perspective.

The evening light gave us quite a show on the way home.

And I couldn't stop taking pictures
out of the car window.

Until the light disappeared into the night sky
as we were making the final turns
back home. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Jewelry Bits & Bobs


Creative time has been very limited lately,
but I have been creating some bits
 that will be used to make jewelry.  

I have been busy twisting, joining, shaping and hammering metal
to make these bits. 

I've also made some pieces of stamped and painted papers 
covered with resin and mounted on metal
which are now ready to be used in the jewelry making. 

Now I just need to find some time to put the bits and bobs together.