
Monday, December 28, 2015

Creating During the Busy Christmas Season

It seems like I have had very little time to create lately. 
 I don't know why this Christmas season seemed busier then others.... it just did. 

I did manage to find a few minutes to create 
on some of the busy days leading up to Christmas.

And when a spare 15 minutes came my way, 
I would grab bits of my hand decorated paper, 
and collage some little critters. 

I love how layered pieces of translucent papers
 overlap to add depth to these critters.

Perhaps when I get some time 
a few of these will be glued onto the front of cards..... or books. 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

New Softies

I have made a few new soft covered books.

Some how these softies have become my favourites

I love the supple feel of their waxed covers....
but unfortunately that is hard to share here.

And when I thought I was done
One more appeared .........
decorated with my hand carved bird stamp and a bit of drawing. 

It has been hard to find some creative time lately,
but so important to my happiness. 

I hope you too are finding some time  to create during this busy season. 

Saturday, December 5, 2015

2 New Pages - For the Love of Play

My 'For the Love of Play' journal 
has not been getting the attention it deserves. 

But I finally have a couple more pages finished 
that I can share.  

 After gluing a few bits and pieces to the page,
I drew these animals, and added a bit of watercolour paint to them.

You may be able to see my note 
saying this species went extinct around 1799.

 The next page contains a fictional fish.... 
or I guess parts of two fictional fish. 

Same process.... bits of paper glued down,
a drawing and then a bit of watercolour added.  

I really don't know why I don't play in this book more often.