
Thursday, January 28, 2016


More journal page creations from the online course
with Katie Kendrik - "Grit and Grace"

There are numerous assignments each week
that for now I am completing the ones that grab me 
and I have time for - this may be a year long project! 

I started another new journal 
(I have SO many on the go right now!)
This one is an old book that I am collaging and painting on
..... trying for a looser style 
and letting out whatever shows up.

I really enjoyed this exercise on a paper bag.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Tea Bags and Stamps

I am a little late in switching over from the day planner
I made last year (left) to the one I made for this year. 

But it is ready to go for February 1st
which is the day I go back to work 
after spending the month of January playing and relaxing. 

I decorated the cover and pages with my hand carved stamps.

The system I used last year worked great,
so I am continuing in the same format.

I carry around 3 months of pages at a time,
and can add and remove the months of pages as needed. 

A system to help keep me smiling and organized for the year!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Grit and Grace

I am taking an online course 
I love Katie's paintings.

I created this journal page by sticking down collage paper
and did my best to let it direct me to this final stage.  

Journal page #2 was the same process
although all of my collage bits seemed to get covered with paint. 

Looseness is not in my comfort zone, 
I need to work on it. 

Decided to do a page a bit more inside my comfort zone,
although I did use some techniques shown in the course. 

I will continue to push myself outside my comfort zone
.....  maybe tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

In Love with Little

A new year made me want to make a new book to play in.

And to make sure I finish it this year
I made it really tiny. 

I am really enjoying working little.

And I have already finished 5 pages....

and the book only has 8 pages.

I also love the beautiful lettering on the front and the back.
My sister was doing a calligraphy demonstration, 
and I absconded with the papers that she was getting rid of. 
Her lettering was of course beautiful and tidy.... 
.... I grunged them up for the cover. 

Monday, January 4, 2016

A Winter Day Walk

It is getting less and less
that the 4 of us (hubby, 2 daughters and myself)
 are able to get out together.
But we managed a winter walk together at
Kathleen Lake on New Year's Day,
and thought I would share a few of my pictures here.

I will hope for many more walks together
in 2016!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Old Year - New Year

Well, even though I wasn't ready for it, 
2015 became the OLD YEAR.  

It doesn't seem so long ago that I started this journal
and I expected to finish it in 2015.

I worked in it happily through out the year
and shared it here, here, here and here.
But it became obvious that I wouldn't finish it by the end of 2015.

And I decided it would be okay 
if I completed 1/2 of it before the new year rolled in. 

So on December 30 I glued some bits down
and drew a bit.

I added some paint and thought it was done.

Decided it was not finished 
so added some bits.

Then removed some and added others
until it was finished. 

December 31 found me busy on the middle page of the book
which I managed to finish in time for the year to wind down
and a new one to begin. 

This colourful earred bunny is now waiting patiently
to see what will be added to the NEW YEAR page.

I look forward to continued fun in this little book in 2016.