
Friday, July 29, 2016

Collage, Scribble, Paint, Draw.... Repeat

I found some blocks of wood laying around my messy studio,
and played with bits of collage, paint, pencil, charcoal 
and anything else that was within reach.  

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Summertime Play

Summertime is short in the Yukon, 
so I have been out exploring with my two daughters. 

But I also found bit of time to decorate 
some paper as well. 

Monday, July 4, 2016

Bookmaking...... Again!

I love using photographs I have taken in my creations. 
I took this photograph a year or two ago, but recently played with it on my computer.

I choose a small section of it, changed the colours and
 used it to decorate the cover of this book. 

I printed off a mirror image of this photograph I took and
 added some ink and paint for another book cover. 

I manipulated an image of some trees on my computer and 
then added some subtle bits of colour by hand for this cover. 

And for the final one of this bookmaking spree, I added some paint
 and ink to a photograph of some flowers and grasses. 

I have so many other images that are waiting to be played with. 
Now I just have to find some time!