
Monday, October 29, 2018

Is It Finished Yet?

I love hand decorating paper, 
and then ripping it into bits 
to arrange and rearrange 
until I eventually glue the bits down. 

I also love making concertina style books. 

And so  - Yes I was pretty excited to work on this little gem of a creation.  

I sighed with delight to wrap it up and call it complete. 

BUT.... a week later I discovered it wasn't finished. 

I decided some of the bits needed a bit more interest. 
I wanted to add some lines and shapes. 

And so I got out my hand carved stamps and set to work.   

And I think this piece is now finished....

.... and I closed it up. 

We will see what next week brings .  .  .  .  .  .  .

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Not a Book. . . .

This may look like a book...... but it's not 
- or not one for writing in or reading.

This is a sewing kit I made for my daughter who has no sewing skills, 
nor did she have any pins or needles or threads to even attempt to fix something. 

I sent this little kit to her and now she can at least try to fix things. 

Pins, needles, thread, buttons and even a pair of folding scissors tucked in the back.

What more could she need.....?

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Playing with Whimsy

Playing in my journal.... just for fun!  
But using the techniques I share in the upcoming 21 Secrets Course

AND... I am also pretty proud of myself 
for figuring out how to add an 'Online Course' page to my blog!  
(actually very easy to figure out - who knew!)

Monday, October 8, 2018

Cookbooks and Daughters

I have two daughters that are at the edge of not living at home anymore.
They both were interested in having cookbooks, and since I love making books. . .  
I made them cook books. 

This one is decorated with the paper from used tea bags
with a collage from my hand decorated paper added.

I love the colours and patterns the tea leaves make as the bags are drying. 

Daughter # 2 (birth order that is) loves grey, 
so I added some greys and blues to the cover  
before adding a copy of some birds i drew 
and a smattering of collage bits. 

I have no doubts these books will be filled with yummy recipes
and enjoyed for many years to come.