
Friday, December 11, 2009

finding peace

Well... I have decided I am in a bit of a creative rut, and it is making me a bit unsettled. I NEED to create to keep me content and happy within myself. It has been a while since I have created something, and I can feeling the unsettled feeling creeping in. I think I will get out my sketchbook and do some drawing.... that will probably help get me going again. I have been busy cleaning my studio, as it gets amazingly messy during my productive days prior to sales. That is also a very creative time, and now that I don't have to get specific things made, I was looking forward to creating for creating sake, but I am having trouble getting there. I did work a bit on this picture tonight, and I think she is finished. I am not 100% satisfied with it, but I will continue to learn. I took a 2 day course when I was at Art and Soul in October with an amazing artist Misty Mawn. Some of our time was spent on painting faces with various mediums. The faces I had painted in the past were always with watercolour crayons, so I tried this one with acrylic as she was showing us at the course. I painted the face in October or November, but finished the background tonight. It says finding peace beside her face - it is more readable on the real piece. So... I will continue to look for my creative peace by doing some drawing in the next few days.
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