
Friday, January 1, 2010

Yesterday when the sun rose above the horizon at 11 AM, I headed out for a walk with my new camera to take some pictures. It was -30 degrees outside, but the light was beautiful.

I tried some closeups.....

and used the zoom.....

As well as the regular lense. The light on the mountains was beautiful, but within an hour the sun had gone behind the mountains again. My camera performed very well in the cold temperatures, with it being tucked into my jacket in between stops I made. My hands were usually too cold more quickly than my camera was. The battery only slowed down once, and I quickly tucked my camera back inside my jacket to warm again before moving on.

A beautiful last day of 2009 - Now on to 2010.... HAPPY NEW YEAR!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures with your new camera!! Thanks for sharing - happy new year!!
