
Friday, February 19, 2010

A Painting and some winter photos

My latest painting... still pretty hard for me, but maybe not quite so frustrating. I will keep practicing, but I am feeling the need to work on something completely different.

When I was out walking this morning the lighting was beautiful, so I ran home for my new camera to take a few pictures.

This picture I took a few days ago, later in the day, so the lighting was much different

The one above and below are both from this morning. It is feeling like spring here, even though it is February. A very beautiful day!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures! Looks like the portraits are going well - you are so talented! Thank you for looking after my little doggy woggy. Vacation was great, back to work today though. Hopefully I will share a couple of pictures soon. Talk to you later!
