
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A new book, and some more winter pictures!

I have finally been busy making a new book. This one is a small soft cover book, with plain pages inside. Small soft cover books seem to be my favourite lately. I love how they fit in my hand easily - so easy to hold, and almost a leather like cover. It was very fun to make, and another one is on the way. The image above shows the binding - below is the front of the book when it is done up.

I am not much of an embroiderer.... but I like the look of very simple stitching, which is what I did with this book. The cover is made from layers of paper, material, ink, tissue paper etc. all put together with matte medium.
I have been away at Arctic Winter Games with my daughters for the past 9 days, but I managed to find a nature trail close to the arena for some picture taking.

The contrast of the shadows on the snow was very beautiful.

I love the colour of winter grass....

and rosehips in winter are so vibrant!

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