
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pages, Pages and More Pages

A stack of pages ready to be made into the artsy notepads I decided to make.

You know how sometimes you take on a project that seems like a good idea at the time, and then it kind of takes on a flow of its own, and you wonder how you got there. Well I decided to make an artsy type of notepad - rather than a book, as it won't have a spine and be sewn together - and I thought how great it would be if it was a gathering of many different papers that were decorated in someway or another - and since I am doing this, I think I will make not just one book - I think I will make 6 of them! (thinking back, I don't know where that number came from - it just came) - and they will have quite a few pages - chunkyish pads. That doesn't sound too hard. Now, it is not that it is hard, it is just very time consuming- which is okay I guess, even though I don't have a lot of time. As long as I am enjoying it.

This is one of my favourite type of decorative pages to make - old text - gesso - stamps - pastels and some matte medium to seal it with. I enjoyed making them - they were fun.

Here are a few examples of some of the pages I have made so far. Some are decorated with paste paper I have made in the past, handmade paper I made and then decorated, and images I have painted. Some have lots of room for writing or drawing or painting or pasting - while others have very little, and some are mainly for decoration.

The pages have all been fun so far - but now before the project is done, I am a little tired of it, and will work away at it slowly - when I want to, so that I enjoy it.... why do it if I don't enjoy it? It will get done, but perhaps a little slower than I may like.

Right now I feel like drawing, so that is what I am going to do.


  1. Love the old text-gesso-stamped pages!


    Thank you for stopping by my blog! I appreciate the feedback!

  3. Your pages are so beautiful. And I've really enjoyed exploring your blog!

  4. I love everything you do! is a great artist
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful art

