
Friday, October 22, 2010

A Year of Blogging

It was a year ago yesterday, that I began blogging. In my first post, I wrote a bit about why I wanted to create a blog. - I wanted to keep a record of what I created, and to perhaps inspire others. Since I received a lovely comment a week or so ago, saying I provide that reader inspiration, I was thrilled - YEAH. I am so often inspired by so many wonderful blogs, and to know I inspire someone out there in blog land, makes me happy. BUT, my blog has done more than those two things for me, as I try to post twice a week, it provides me the prod to create - so I have new things to show as often as I can. AND perhaps most importantly it helps me believe in myself, and in what I create.
For the past while I have been thinking about how I would like to trade creations with other people who create, and so today, I have decided to put this offer out in the blog world, and see what happens. (even if you don't create, I am open to trades - keep reading)

The first thing I have for trading is a package of 5 cards (pics above and below). They are whimsical faces I drew, photocopied, and then painted each one.

The second item I have available for trade is a resin filled bezel necklace. The bezel is a bit rustic, but actually I like it that way.

The third item is a small ( approximately 3 X4.5 inch) address book

If you are not a person that creates things, or don't feel you want to trade what you create, I am open to trading these items for services in the community you live in. I would trade an item for the individual donating some food to a local food bank, or running an errand for someone that is housebound, or helping at an animal shelter, or helping a child learn to read, or.... a variety of other things. Leave me a comment on what you want to trade for either here or at my e-mail address - be it something you have created, or something that you will do for others, I am open for trades. Leave me your e-mail address, and I will get back to you.

And the last item I have available for trade is a grungy little (approximately4 X 3.5 inches) softcover book - with bits and pieces of images and material decorating the cover, and a material tie closure.

The inside pages are grungy, and a bit warped in a lovely sort of way (or so I think anyway).

Whether you want to trade or not, I do want to say thank you for stopping by this little blog of mine. I love to hear from you, so please feel free to leave a comment at any time, and if you know of other people interested in trading their creations, please pass this offer along to them.
Here's too another enjoyable year of blogging!


  1. ooo, ooo, ooo!!! i want to trade! i love the wee book and the necklace. either one- take a peek at my stuff and let me know what type of thing you'd like to have. i'll make it special for you.

  2. Kim your work is beautiful, inspiring, and unique - I would love to trade for the pack of hand painted cards if they are still available~

  3. Kim, what a lovely idea to do on your blog!! I do like trades, but have nothing to offer at the moment, since I've been working on this exhibition with large pieces... but if I were going to do a trade with you, I'd pick the address book or the necklace - both are so lovely! What a truly nice idea, and it shows what a big heart you have!
