
Friday, December 10, 2010

Postcard Swap

A while ago Beth Nicholls hosted a postcard swap, and I participated. The theme was home, so I took a picture of the mountains I live beside, carved a stamp of a rustic little house to use, and sewed on some mini images. It was fun to make.... and then I mailed it off to Florida.

Yesterday, my postcard arrived from Alabama. A quilter named Chris Wheeler made it for me. I was thrilled to get it, as I was beginning to think it must have gotten lost in the mail! On the back Chris wrote: Meet Henrietta my chicken we had for a year, and one day she did not come home. Thanks so much Chris!

If you want to see more of the postcards that were created check out this link.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Both of those look great! And Henrietta - what a fun name for a chicken!
