
Thursday, January 6, 2011

I Come From Love

A component of the class I am starting with Misty Mawn (Stretching Within) is about writing. I am not a writer, although I am a lover of words. Our first assignment was to write a poem using the prompt "I come from " and so I (bravely) share with you my poem, and a picture of the mountains that I live beside.

I Come From Love

I come from a land big and pure,

a land of mountains so high they cheer my heart and rally me on,

a land of glaciers so old they hold the tales of which we learn.

I come from the fleeting life of the damsel fly,

the passion of the grizzly bear mom,

and the crooked growth of a wind blown poplar

as it holds onto its place in a land welcoming and yet not.

I come from the love of parents and children,

so briefly tucked under the wing - a lifetime of growth in the blink of an eye.

I come from you all that I meet along the way

that move me in directions I did not know

- a life so filled with bits and pieces that at times I disappear.

I come from the everyday wonders of the stars smiling in the night sky,

the wind whispering across my face,

and the many miles resting in my legs.

I come from a journey lived already, and yet to live.

- I come, unsure, but content and willing,

as I come after all from love.

1 comment:

  1. Kim! Good for you ... this is so inspired especially those last three lines.
    And I am blown away by your mountains.
    Keep up the great work and have a wonderful day.
