
Sunday, January 16, 2011


With the very little creative time I have these days, I am trying to keep up with the drawing assignments for the class I am taking. It is not working, I can't keep up with all of the assignments. But I am being gentle with myself (one of my "rules"), and telling myself not to worry and enjoy what I am doing (another "rule" - enjoy the moments). So this is a pencil drawing that we were supposed to do joining a couple of different ideas together. When I post it here, I see some things that need changing, but oh well......

Here is the first drawing I have done with charcoal... a bit messy, and again I see where I should make some changes now that I am posting it here. I will have to get some more practice with this medium when I have some more time....


  1. Hi Kim,
    I am loving your drawings from class. Keep up the great work, and yes, do be gentle with yourself. Try not to be too critical, and try not to worry if you can't do it all. I can't either. It is a fabulous class, though! And your drawings are truly amazing!

  2. Hey Kim, I admire you for taking up this challenge and it sounds like you have given yourself good advice. This beautiful, lovely face has a bit of the quirky and I just love it!
    Have fun,
