
Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year - Believe in Possibilities

For the past couple of weeks, I have been thinking about the new year, and deciding what word or thought or guiding "rule" I wanted to think about to provide me some direction for 2011. I wasn't coming up with anything that fit. I wanted to continue following the 3 "rules" I have been following for a while

- Be Gentle with Self

- Enjoy the Moments

- One Step at a Time

And so I had decided that these three ideas would continue to guide me. This morning, when I was uploading images for this post, the above "Believe" image that I created some time ago popped up, and then I realized that this is what I should add.

And so this year, besides being gentle, enjoying the moments, and taking one step at time

I will BELIEVE in the possibilities

- not just in my creative life that I post about here, but in so many aspects of my life.

I would love to hear what others are choosing for a word or guiding thought for 2011!



  1. I guess I haven't placed an actual word or phrase to what I want to guide me for the year, but as I write this, Gentleness and Strength are two that pop into my head.
    I love your birdie sketches by the way. I'm going to check out that book you recommended.
    Happy New Year Kim!

  2. I love love love that quote, especially with your imaginary creature! Enjoy is my word. Enjoy every day, all the little things. see you soon AK!

  3. Hey Kim, I love the "rules" that you have been following, what came to me were three strong and fitting words ... " Let it be" ... Have a wonderful New Year!
