
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Grungy Folder

I created this grungy folder to help me in learning to draw loose pen drawings.

Inside it has pockets full of paper that I am going to draw on. I have been really wanting to learn to draw with pen, and just sketch for the fun of it. But I haven't been able to do it in a book, because I have this fear of messing up a nice book (I know it's dumb!) To let myself try to sketch with pen, I created this grungy folder that is already messy, and the pages are loose inside. If I really don't like how a drawing turns out.... well I can just throw that page away.

and the ones that I am okay with keeping will all be neatly contained within my grungy folder.


  1. I understand the reasoning behind this and I think it will work nicely for you. Another option that I use sometimes is using a large run of the mill sketch pad to sketch a lot of smaller drawings in. Sometimes I can fit four or five drawings on one page and if I like any of them I can just cut the drawing out. I love to draw loose drawings in pen!

  2. Hey Kim, I really like this! Good idea.

  3. What a fabulous idea, Kim. I fully empathise with the terrors of spoiling a sketch book when I'm learning a new technique, and this folder is the perfect solution. Thank you!

  4. This is a fantastic idea! And I think the cover is gorgeous! One thing that helps me to not freeze up is I just figure I can either paint over something I don't like with gesso and start over, and or collage over it! It really does help free me up. That and learning to be brave and listen ; )

