
Friday, May 13, 2011

Mother's Day Gift

For many many years now, we go to Crocus Hill to celebrate Mother's Day. It is one of the first places that we see signs of spring. The day was cold and windy, but myself, with my dad and my oldest daughter,

my niece's dog that we are dog sitting,

and my mom and youngest daughter had a great time

flying kites, (and only one kite was eaten by the spruce trees)

having a picnic lunch and enjoying the afternoon together.

I couldn't have asked for a better gift.


  1. Wonderful post! Made me want to go kite flying.

  2. So much movement in this post Kim. I remember one grey afternoon in winter I drove around a corner near my home and saw a red kite in the sky and just how much joy it gave me was incredible. I had not realised how much I had missed the kite in my life till then.

  3. What better way to spend the day than with people you love, fresh air,
    and the noticing of beautiful things. Happy Mothers Day.

  4. Great pics, looks like you had a fantastic day! And what a beautiful little dog that joined you! and kite flying...I'm jealous.
    Talk to you soon! XO
