
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Patience, Practice and Plaster

A few days ago I posted a picture of a plaster piece I was working on. I didn't like it, but was being gentle with myself, as I am new to working with plaster, and I haven't had much time to practice. But I continue to work on creating on plaster, and am pleased where this one ended up.
It is the same piece I showed before, but this morning I decided to rework it, and this is where it has ended up today. I think it is finished, but time will tell. I have 3 other pieces that I have been working on, but none of them are close to what I am happy with. I continue to practice patiently on these pieces.

This close up shows a bit of the lusciousness of the plaster.

P.S. - Thanks for all of your kind comments about my book in the previous post. They make my heart happy.


  1. The plaster gives a lovely depth to the piece. I really like it. :)

  2. oooohhh...

    i Love your piece!
    so soft & deep...


    sometimes it is hard to know
    Exactly when to stop,
    isn't it?

    PS--i am also
    in the Plaster Workshop
    just popped in to say Hello!

    i missed the first week
    but i am
    quickly catching up
    on all the pleasure...

  3. Hi I am in the plaster class and noted your wanting to meet people with blogs. BUt first your blog is the colors, banner, the design and mostly your postings. Took a moment to peek around. You should be busting your buttons with the progress you have made in your plaster work. I am seriously impressed. You will only grow more and more imaginative.

    I am actually an oil/acrylic painter and wanted to try something different. I am still in the put the plaster on, but hope to move up a notch then will put on my blog. I hope I can do a 1/10 as well as you have done.

  4. Hi! I'm in the plaster class too! I'm loving it but also haven't had much time to work with it lately although I'm itching to. I love this piece, it's beautiful!! I think the plaster lends itself beautifully to your style. See you in class!!

