
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Online Shopping!

I have been working so hard this past week to learn all about opening up an Etsy shop. And today I can announce it is not only open, but actually has a few items in it.

I made 4 luminaries for the shop....

but to keep shipping prices as reasonable as I could, I decided not to ship them with the little tea light.

Besides the luminaries, I put a soft covered book in the shop,

and a couple of face paintings.

If you want to see what it looks like you can find it here.

I will put a button on my side bar to get to the shop..... just not today.

I do have a couple more items I hope to put there in the next few days... I just ran out of time and energy today!

P.S. As I am brand new to this online selling if anyone has any tips I would love to hear them.


  1. Good luck with your shop -- your work is wonderful!

  2. Hey Kim, good for you! This is very impressive, I've been thinking about it, also, but you actually found the time and got going! Seems like so much to learn and do to try and keep up!!
    I know you'll do great ~ I'll be looking out for those earrings!

  3. Congratulations! I'm off to have a peek!

  4. Kim it is a joy to watch you grow as an artist and businesswoman. You GO! I know you'll do well because your product is fantastic and artistic and original and just plan gorgeous. *smiles* Norma

  5. Congrats to you Kim. I'm thinking about starting one but haven't yet.
    Now I'm off to have a look at yours!

  6. Hey Kim,

    it is great you have success fully created a shop at and hope you will add more products there.

  7. OOh Kim this is very exciting, I am going to go and have a look right now!!

  8. I have one tiny bit of advice for you, if you want it?
    somewhere on your luminaries description write 'as seen in green craft magazine' and put a link to your blogpage with the piccies.
    You have been published and should shout about it ;o)


  9. Gorgeous shop Kim, i followed it from Micki's Secret Hermit blog. I favourited the shop and everything in it. Good luck xx

  10. Oh congratulations! Your work is full of luminary warmth, both the tea bag creations and your paintings! Best of luck with your new endeavor.
