
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Struggling with Plaster

I have been looking forward to having time to play and paint on plaster. I have time right now, but the pieces I have been working on have not been so much fun as I had anticipated. Rather they were a struggle.
Here is the final piece. It is quite small, measuring about 6 inches square.

I love how the pieces are on cradle boards (shallow wooden box), as they add dimension to a wall, and don't need framing.

My goal for now is to enjoy what I am working on. Rather then telling myself what to work on, I will listen to what I want to work on. I do have one more plaster piece in process, but I may leave it for now, and spend some time playing on something else... I will see where the creating muse takes me....


  1. You have done an amazing job Kim... your piece is gorgeous... playing with plaster is on my to do list too...

    Jenny x

  2. Hi Kim. I think it's lovely! I have another follower who works on plaster. Here's his blog

    1. Thanks for the link. I will go and have a look at what he creates!


  3. You may have struggled but the result is beautiful!

  4. Wow, Kim...this is lovely. What kind of paint do you use to paint on plaster?

    1. I usually use acrylic paint - often the inexpensive brand that I can buy at Walmart, as they are more chalky and plaster like. The more expensive acrylics are more plastic like. I sometimes use a bit of ink, and I have been meaning to try PanPastels, but haven't yet. I would have to fix them differently then the acrylics though

  5. I agree with the above comments, this is a jewel of a piece....all of the excavation and textured techniques makes it very interesting....smiles: sharon

  6. its gorgeous Kim, but yes you cant force it sometimes....
