
Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I am working on a piece that has a house on a tea bag.

but, I can't decide if the tea bag should be mounted on a piece of blue or straight on the off white piece of paper.

when it is on the blue, you can see more of the blue through the tea bag

as well as the white paint I have added down the side of the house.

Here it is on the off white piece of paper.

It still contains some bits of blue that I have added with pan pastels.

I find it sometimes helps to take pictures of a piece and look at it from a distance. I am still undecided.......


  1. I love your teabag art! The blue gives the house the impression it is near the sea. The white give it more of an isolated feel. It's lovely.

  2. very lovely. I like it on white best. maybe if you want blue behind it go with a darker blue??
    so amazed that you painted such a piece of art on a tea bag!

  3. I love the blue, for the extra depth, but I (just personally!) would hide the blue edges. Tho the white is very crisp.....a series maybe? ;) Hope you're getting better.

  4. I agree with Emma about hiding the blue edges. Both look just lovely.
    xoxo Kim

  5. Now I'm kicking myself for overlooking your blog for the Versatile Blogger award, I was in a hurry and went through my list too fast and you certainly deserve it. Mind if I tag on your link or will if feel like too much of an afterthought?
    xoxo Kim

  6. Oh my, they are both lovely. The blue really does give it a different feel... I'm afraid I'm not much help, but I know you'll make it just right, whatever you decide!

  7. Either way it looks beautiful. I think I like the blue.

  8. maybe you could stick a bit of blue paper behind teh house and mount it on the white...either way i love your house....

  9. I love it with the blue behind it. And I love it showing around the sides. It's a nice layered look. What a lovely blue!
