
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Journal For Me

I have used my bird drawings on the covers of
the new journal I am making.

Here they are as a work in progress, ready to be bound into a book.

And here is the journal ....

Inside front cover, and lovely blank pages ready for me to journal in.

Inside of back cover.

and the back of the book. It measures about 10 inches by 7.5 inches, and I can't wait to have the energy to work inside it! ......Concussion symptoms are still making it difficult for me to function as I was previously able to (trying to avoid the word normally, as I am not sure what that is right now). I am thrilled with how this book turned out, I really enjoyed making it.


  1. It's gorgeous auntie Kim! Hate to hear that this concussion is still making your daily life harder than it should be, but amazing to see what you can still create when you are not 100%.
    It so beautiful... I don't think I would be able to write in it! :)

  2. Wonderful journal! Bookbinding is addictive, isn’t it? LOL

  3. gosh this beautiful KIm...what have you made it out of? sorry to hear that the concussion is still giving you grief.....

  4. It is so beautiful! I love your technique which is easily recognizable as YOURS! I hope you feel better soon. It's amazing what you are able to accomplish when you aren't feeling your best!!!

  5. Really beautiful work, the bird drawings and the washed background with marks is really intriguing.

  6. Gorgeous work Kim,
    I'm so sorry that you're still suffering from that concussion. How worrisome that must be. I' glad to see that you're still able to create your beautiful work.
    Positive thoughts going your way toward recovery, I really mean it.
    xoxo Kim

  7. Well, Kim, concussion or no concussion your work is beautiful! I hope you'll be feeling better soon. Take care.

  8. oh Kim, your journal is FANTASTIC. Book binding is on my "to do" list this year. Your journal is beautiful already - i can only imagine how breathtaking it's gonna be when you fill it with your ART! Thanks for sharing. xoxo
