
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Versatile Blogger Award

I would like to thank Kim from Numinosity for honouring me with the Versatile Blogger Award. I am supposed to tell 7 random things about me.... (the drawing above is one I did a couple of years ago of me and my younger daughter)


My day job is working at a large wilderness National Park (Kluane National Park)


The closest grocery store, dentist, hospital, drug store, veterinarian, hair dresser etc. is 100 miles (160 kms) from where I live. I drive this road (the Alaska Highway) a lot!


I am fortunate to have 2 wonderful daughters - and they both love playing hockey.


I too love to play hockey and have been playing since I was 10 years old. (a very long time)
At the present time I am healing from a concussion I received from a game two and a half weeks ago. It is the only time I have every had a concussion from playing hockey.


I have a small art studio in my home and it is always messy (okay not always this messy, but always messy!)


I live in the Yukon Territory (similar to a state in the US or a province in Southern Canada) in Northern Canada. The Yukon is 483,610 sq km (186,272 sq miles) and has a population of just over 35,000 people.


My husband lived in a wall tent on the edge of this lake when we started dating. We now live in a lovely timber frame home that he built for us.


  1. Great pictures - great post! Love you house tea bag. Hopefully see you Sunday at awg!

  2. Love your list! I studied all the pictures carefully, but the one I loved best was your messy studio :)

  3. Congratulations on the award, Kim! Well deserved! It’s always interesting to get to ‘know’ more about our blogger friends. (Love the messy studio!)

  4. How interesting! Love seeing others' lives!

  5. This is such an interesting post. My son lives in Alaska, and before that he lived in northern Montana in a walled tent. He loves being close to nature.

    PS - your studio looks much like mine does most of the time!
