
Monday, July 2, 2012

Change in Direction

I have recently been busy making jewelry, and creatively playing and exploring making marks on paper with plants, rusted bits and steam.  I haven't finished with either of those things.... lots of ideas still, but for some reason last night the muse sent me in a different direction.  I came across some of the pan pastel faces I had created some time ago. 

So I printed some off, added some more colour with pan pastels, some more pen work, some collage and some stamps, and made a small  triptych.  The top picture is when it is closed, this picture is when it is open, and below is a picture of the back of it when it is open.

I like that if it is tied loosely it can stand up as well.

I also made a small accordian book - that also when tied loosely can stand up.

Here is of the inside when it is open,

the backside when open

and the back when it is closed and standing up.

And just for fun, a couple of close up pictures.

Both of them stand just under 2&1/2 inches tall - I continue to enjoy working small.
Available for purchase in  my etsy shop .


  1. These are just beautiful. I have plans to make a little book using tea bag papers as pages. But as I have never used them before I had a catastrophe when I tried to seal them with pva glue. They were fruit tea bags and they turned from a lovely pink colour to green. I have since invested in some gel medium and dorlans wax and plan to give it another try.

  2. Oh they are both divine Kim... your faces are gorgeous... the pan pastel is great... and love how they stand up like that too...

    Jenny x

  3. Kim, your art work is just stunning... Rushing off to sign up as a follower!!!

    Thanks for your nice comment on my blog. I'm glad you like my ATCs. I'm starting to feel a lot better now, thank you.


  4. Your ladies are so gorgeous!! Lovely!

  5. oh these are lovely kim, your pan pastel faces are gorgepous....

  6. I admire you for following the muse along this direction and giving up your plans. Good for you!

  7. Love your change of direction!

  8. It's new to me, what you do with flowers and their petals. I never heard of steaming them, only drying them or making paper with them as decoration, and I am struck by the lovely backgroumds you create! I love the resist, and the browns. Your book and wrap is gorgeous! Such beautiful faces and eyes...

  9. wonderful to read about the things you are doing and see what you did with your art, such a charming book.

  10. Stunningly beautiful work Kim! Love these to bits!! *smiles* Norma, xo

  11. These are so lovely, i'm reading this post early in the morning on a horrible wet rainy depressing day in Wales and you've cheered me up. xx

  12. These are such pretty pieces, calm gentle faces.

  13. Beautiful in every aspect and in every way ... Lovely lovely work

  14. Thanks for your comment today - Loving these little books - it's given me an idea for my medals thanks
