
Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Small Book

I love making books - especially small ones, and so when my art friend Norma was hosting "A Small Book" challenge, I wanted to join in the fun. 

I created a small accordian book with some bits of pressed flowers in it.
Here is the front closed

and the front when it is open.

And here is the back when open....

and closed.

I had so much fun making this little book!  To see other small books in this challenge, drop by Norma's  for the links.


  1. Beautiful Kim, I have been playing around with some purple colours today and I love the purple of your leaf/petal in your book.

  2. Those pressed flowers are divine Kim and I knew you'd create another masterpiece and of course I was right. This is precious and makes my heart happy and warm. So delicious is your art. Thank you so much for showing us your work here in the drawing challenge group. Seeing this treasure makes me value my own piece of your work (a little book) that much more!! I love how you use touches of white. It's magic. Love N. xo

  3. Hey Kim, I love everything about your small book.......colours, texture, design......just gorgeous.

    Claire :}

  4. dear Kim, a very sweet little book, those fading greens and that touch of purple and all those swirling lines like wind through a flowerfield, without just copying or being exact(this might not be the right word) you created a very striking and natural image on such a limited space, it feels much larger,x

  5. You make such beautiful wee books, Kim!

  6. I love your teeny tiny books! So cute!

  7. i can well imagine this was fun. i could just dive in. as a matter of fact, and this is really funny, your little booklet seems to be the continuation of a dream i woke up from this morning. so this is a happy meeting!
    cheers for visiting, kim, and hello.
    my tiny booklet is up now. ..

  8. Oh my gosh! this is gorgeous! I love it!

  9. I love your little book with this natural colours - so beautiful!

  10. what a wonderful little book! I love it, too!
    :-) mano

  11. You made a beautiful book. FOr a book so small it is rich in texture, depth, and color! I want to dive in!


  12. such a wonderful little book, a treasure.

  13. Hi, Kim - Your book - and your blog - are wonderful. I love the colors. So nice to meet you. Your Alaskan neighbor, sus

  14. this is soooo cute! I love your artwork, your book is fantastic! x Stefanie

  15. Oh I love the book and especially the words, a season of growth, such a positive thought.

  16. The prettiest little book I have ever seen. Really!
