
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Warm September Day

 After an inital cold snap in early September, we have had unseasonably warm temperatures.
So warm that I could sit outside for the whole afternoon and draw.  It was a beautiful day!
I drew some butterflies in pencil, and then got brave and drew some in pen.  Just after that I visited Stephanie's blog, and saw her lovely little book (with no pages) and felt the urge to make one.
And this is what came about.  - Inside view

And outside view.
And the next day, I had the urge to make another.  This one decorated with a little original collage.
With leaves and bits of paper on the outiside.
Here they are wrapped up with a piece of fabric that is attached to the covers.
As I was out for a walk on that beautiful September day, I stopped and collected a few leaves that had blackened sections from the earlier frosty nights.  I added some to the cover of the butterfly book, and the words say.... seasons change


  1. Oh! I am the first to comment here. I have to say (again) how much I love your work! The biological sketch is beautiful already, but the way you bring this butterfly to life in this beautiful book is stunning. You seem to be thriving in your outside world!

  2. that is just so lovely!
    sunshine and warmth and the fruits of it to hold in your hands or set on a shelf

  3. Beautiful ! And so lovely to see you enjoying the sun.

  4. Stunning work. Love those pageless books. A must go on my never ending to do list.
    Take care and enjoy the warm weather.
    Lesley ♥

  5. Your art never ceases to amaze me! Always so beautiful and filled with ‘earthy’ loveliness!

  6. Botanical Beauty! Wow! Great ideas and gorgeous little books...with No pages! LOVE! Did you have to press and dry the leaves first, or did you use them right away? ~ kath

  7. Oh my gosh! It always makes me very happy to come to your blog and see this absolut GORGEOUS ART you make! I am a big fan!

    xxx from Austria

  8. Just beautiful and I agree the weather has been grand. We're getting the same thing here and every day it's surprised me.
    Love all that you do!
    xo Kim

  9. I did press the leaves before making the little booklets... I have a great press that I can use in the microwave and dry leaves in a matter of minutes if I don't want to wait a few days. I don't use it too often, but I did with these leaves as I wanted to use them right away.

  10. Dear Kim,
    those books are such a lovely artwork!!!
    Thanks for visiting my blog and for your comments, I always enjoy.
    It is great to inspire each other!
    x Stefanie

  11. These little books are wonderful! I love the house collage!! xo Evie

  12. I feel the warmth and the sunshine in these books .
    Love from the Netherlands ♥RINI♥
