
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Snow Day

We received our first snow fall this week.  We can't really complain as we had a beautiful fall.

The snow arrived on a day that my husband had to travel about an hour from here to Kluane Lake to do some work, and I had decided to go with him.  The mountains we usually see when driving had disappeared behind the clouds. 

But it was still so beautiful, and I took a lot of pictures.   Here are just a few of them.

The snow had stopped, the clouds had lifted and it had melted off the road for our trip home.

It was a beautiful first snow day of the season.


  1. Hey Kim, your photos are gorgeous.....
    I'm a little confused (not hard to do!!) Fall's just started so is it usual to get snow so early?
    You certainly live in a picturesque part of the globe.

    Claire :}

    1. In my part of the world (Yukon - in Northern Canada) fall started in mid August, most of the leaves have blown away now, and we are at the beginning of winter.

  2. Your photos are just gorgeous! SNOW! as are the books you showed us on your last post. Snowmen and sleigh rides are just around the corner. Have fun!

  3. Kim your photos are great! Thank you! And thank you for sahring your great ART with us.
    Yesterday I made a card totally inspired by your BLOG!
    my posting

    from Austria / Quater Forrest

  4. Hi Kim, I just found your blog from a link at Susi's blog. Wow, what gorgeous photos, you are surrounded by so much beauty including the snow. I'm also in Canada, but not as far north. Your artwork is stunning, I'm your newest follower ! Enjoy the day ! Shirleyx

  5. Beautiful snowfall and lovely photographs! Autumn is much milder here in Spain but I wish I could just hop over there and enjoy that beauty.

  6. Such breathtaking scenery Kim. What a blessing to live in such a place!! I especially loved the pink flowers. Flowers in snow seem to be saying "wait! wait! wait! I'm not done yet!" .

  7. Wonderful photos! There is such beauty in every season in every place. Although I am not quite ready to deal with the snow. It's coming, I know. Today, in northern Ontario they were predicting the white stuff.
    Thank you for sharing.

  8. Thanks for sharing your trip with us, Kim. Almost makes me look forward to winter's advent here in Southeast Alaska, not far off I think. xxoo, sus

  9. What amazingly beautiful country you live in, Kim! It is early for snow for you? Not expecting our first snowfall for a month or more - though last year we had a horrific blizzard on Halloween! xo Deb

  10. Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos of your trip.

  11. How pretty and how strange to see your photos of snow. We finally got to turn the a/c off here in Atlanta, but we are still wearing our shorts.

  12. Gorgeous! This is the perfect way I want to see snow, through your camera lens without the cold! LOL How many times did you make Hubby stop so you could take a picture?

  13. I can't decide which photo is more gorgeous! I can see where the inspiration for your work comes from.

  14. What a beautiful first snow day of the season!! Your pictures are amazing - obviously, this is the first of many, many snow days for you- Have a great winter!

  15. Oh Kim, I am so happy to visit here today to see more of your beautiful Yukon scenery. I love all the photographs, but the yellow meadow with the white mountain looming in the distance really makes me think of the changing seasons. And your lake has waves!! Thank you for sharing these.

  16. really enjoy seeing such a different part of the world to where i am.

  17. Wow, wow, wow......
    What a beauty in your country.
    Great pictures you took, they blew me away.
    Groetjes Gery

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Amazing beauty in this big country. Thanks for sharing.
