
Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Thread That Weaves

I feel very fortunate to have been involved with an online workshop with Roxanne called
"The Thread that Weaves".
Roxanne has been giving us wonderful inspiration, instruction and support in the development of a art book.  I just finished mine, and it is shown above when it is closed and standing up. 

Here it is open
It is a triptych style book.  So has three panals. 
 My first one is an image inside an old cabin.  The second one is of a bird amongst the first snowfall,

and the third one shows the transition from fall to winter. 

We also created a little book that we sewed into the bigger book.

For me this book tells the story of transitions.  Transitions from fall to winter, transitions of places that contain many stories from years gone by, and the transitions that I am going through to become the person that I am supposed to become.  It all takes time, some of them good, and some of them hard, but all of them there to make us each the individual we are to become.  

This is the first spread in the little book.
The second spread

The third spread

And here is the back or the outside of the whole book showing a bit more of the threads that I wove through this project. 

I really enjoyed this project, and the wonderful time spent with Roxanne and the others that joined in creating  with "The Thread that Weaves"


  1. To see your work is an honour Kim. I will be back for a very long visit later tonight when I am by myself and all is quiet. That is what your book demands. Quiet. Thought. Feeling. Meditation. You offer all of this through your art. I love what you do. Norma, x

  2. Gorgeous results from the workshop, love your book !

  3. So beautiful, your artwork and your words.

  4. Your journal is gorgeous Kim. yes, I'm fortunate to be in Roxanne's online workshop as well. Every time I visited here I always learn something! Thank you Kim - hugs Nat

  5. Gorgeous project, Kim!! I especially love the twigs!

  6. You have such a beautifully distinct, ethereal style! Just lovely!

  7. Such a beautiful art book Kim, and lots of meaning.
    I love how you have combined all the images, the ephemera of this specific time in your life and woven it all together.
    I will work on my book today and tie it all together. It's been a wonderful project with Roxanne and everyone that has done this workshop. I'm sure I'll be making more of these for friends and family.

    Jacky xox

  8. What a beautiful work of art. I enjoy every page of it.

  9. Your Art Book is beautiful Kim! Full of yumminess...I've borrowed your very descriptive word! I have enjoyed visiting your blog and am in awe of your creativity. My little art book is on hold at present until time allows me to put it all together. Coral

  10. A story beautifully woven together indeed

  11. Dear Kim, It is I who am fortunate to have had such wonderful students. You have created a book filled with beauty and soul.
    And the story you tell of transitions, both in your words and the pages of your book is very moving... You are filled with light.

  12. beautiful, inspiring book - so detailed and so full of texture - you should be proud of your efforts!

  13. this is really fascinating and so inspiring for me! :-) mano

  14. I was just over at Roxanne's blog and read about the workshop - it sounds lie a truly magical time. Your book is beautiful and how wonderful to have such a treasure as your keepsake!

  15. oh my gosh, kim, this is stellar. *everything* you make is stellar... so heartfelt, so soulful, so beautiful.


  16. I just discovered you! Love your work. Thank you for sharing.
