
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Finding Some Light

Life has held many difficult storms lately, and I needed to spend some time creating without thinking.  To create whatever was inside me that needed to come out.
I have a few boxes of left over bits and pieces of things I have made or worked with at different times that I used in the making of this piece
I thought I was making a collage that was going to be folded into an accordian book.
And soon the book turned into a larger collage on watercolour paper.

I added a white matt to it and thought it was finished.

After looking at it for a while I added a bit of shading around the eyes of the drawing of the girl.  I now think it is finished, but we will see in a while.
The storms although still there, are beginning to show some light. 


  1. This piece is gorgeous. No matter if you are finished at this point, or if you add something else, there is so much here to hold the eye and the imagination. I love it!

  2. Yes! I agree with Angela, this is a beautiful, beautiful work of art. The white goose over the girls head, so strong and proud. And in between the storms there is light, expressed so well.

  3. Ditto to all that has already been said! I like that you chose to make it a collage. I really like the balance you achieve with your collages!

  4. this feels so clear and deliberate to me, kim... just beautiful...


  5. I love it when things evolve and that something so beautiful can be made with 'leftovers'.

  6. Beautiful and intuitive work Kim.
    I hope your storms calm soon x

  7. Beautiful piece - love hearing how it came together. And I hope your storms calm soon!

  8. I agree with Micki. Very intuitive and personal. Love it. Hope things get blue and sunny for you soon..

  9. What a wonderful, stunning collage!

  10. Wishing you Light at the start of this new week, Kim. As always, your creativity inspires. Xxoo, sus

  11. What an honour to see your creative see a piece grow and unfold into what it is to become. It's beautiful Kim. It may yet hold some change for you, and I like how you are giving it time to develop and speak to you. Your art is uplifting. Love to you, Norma, x

  12. pretty organic path of creation... good on you. stepping stones too, i gather.
    love your techniques.

  13. it's so interesting how you work! and the collage is fantastic - I love the matt colors, the materials, the motifs. really beautiful!
    wish you a wonderful week! :-) mano

  14. Amazing piece of work! Also love your necklaces by the way! Many thanks for your nice comment. As I didn't draw the winners yet, I made an exception and still counted you in for my giveaway! The winners will be announced within the next days.
    ♥lichste Grüße

  15. This is really beautiful. I hope the storms pass soon. So glad you have art to carry you through them.

  16. omg how reminds me of a map filled all sorts of wonderful things...

  17. I came upon your blog from Micki wilde's .Oh I just love all yoour art -fantastic .Ill be back!!!
