
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Note To Self

This year has been a challenging one for me, and creating has kept me balanced during many difficult times.  November has been exceptionally challenging, and I realized I hadn't worked in my journal all month.

So tonight I decorated a new page in my journal. 

and I wrote a note to myself. 
(On the days that are particularly hard - find a way to create and you will feel better)

I decorated the page with lino cuts I made and printed some time ago. 
Now  I will add some words to the page, and continue to remind myself to create every day!


  1. Beautiful journal page...I love your linocut prints!
    Sounds like you havent had a very good year...I hope 2013 is much kinder to you.

    Jacky xox

  2. Art has saved me more times than I can count. So glad you have it. All those warm colors have got to bring some comfort. Hang in there!

  3. So true, Kim. May December bring you comfort and joy. -sus

  4. Beautiful journal page. I hope the weeks to come change to weeks of lightness and joy!!

  5. Sorry to hear that you've had a difficult month. Wishing you much joy through creating...and the holidays, of course.

  6. wonderful page! May december be good for you!

  7. Create every day, words to live by. maybe we should have them tattooed on our arms??? I've been an art slacker of late. last night I did start to make Christmas cards....very hard to do when you have your fingers in your ears while saying, La, La, La, Christams isn't really coming! here's to better days,
    cheers, Jill

  8. A very beautiful reminder for me, as well! I really love your new header, too.

  9. sending you lots of love! XOXOXO

  10. I too really like your lino cuts! (If it's any consolation, according to the Mayan calendar after 12/21 we go into a new era where things are supposed to get much better, kinder, more peaceful. lol)

  11. i love your honesty. when people are honest it is courage and allows for other people to connect. im glad we have found each other on the online/blog world. the beginning of a beautiful friendship. xoxo

  12. your linocuts are so beautiful!
    wish you a creative december, :-) mano

  13. Hi Kim, Thanks so much for stopping by and reading my post about Micki. I really enjoyed getting to know her. Your work is awesome :)

  14. I love the warm glow on this page, and yes there is a soothing, healing force in being creative, i t helped me through some hard years too, take care x

  15. Lovely post,
    Very beautiful!

    Johanna, Sweden

  16. Dear Kim, I hope winter wraps her arms around you
    and that you find yourself in the beautiful glow
    of creation, home and family --
    a safe cocoon from which you will emerge with a new spirit.
