
Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I love the sense of discovery - not being able to see the whole thing at first glance - looking for the layers.

With that in mind I created this chunkybook

that when open has many pages that are actually small pockets.

I decorated each pocket with a painted piece of paper

that I stamped onto with my handcarved stamps.

Within the pockets are small pieces

that are also decorated

on both sides.
I may just have to make some more bits and pieces to add to those pockets.


  1. Kim I love your little chunky book. All of those wonderful printed images!!!!
    I have lots of lino-cuts and handmade stamps and have recently started stamping them into old books. I love your chunky pockets though! Filled with even more printing treasures. Great idea.

    Jacky xox

  2. Auntie Kim I absolutely love this little book, it is stunning!

  3. What a beautiful collection of hand carved stamps you have made.
    Perfect for your chunky book - love it!

  4. Pockets are so inviting! Little secrets just waiting to be discovered! Cute ‘Chunky’!

  5. What a lovely little book and the hand carved stamp images are fantastic. I would love to have a go at carving my own stamps. Another technique to add to my list of must do's.

  6. This is a fantastic, wonderful small book. Great technique and ideas!

  7. Hi Kim. My friend Julia of Ju-North blog has just pointed me in your direction, thinking I would enjoy your creations, and I certainly do! You are a very creative person and I love your work. I think you reflect very well the beautiful surroundings you live in, and I look forward to seeing more of your work. This little book is an absolute delight! Thank you for sharing it with us.


  8. PS Just signed up to be a follower.


  9. What a treasure your little book is, full of pockets full of little pieces of art. I love it. Your tiny images are all beautiful and I want to look through your book.
    There is a way that you have reflected your scenery and colours in your art. I wonder how much of ourself we display in our work, if your book is like yourself, hidden parts, ideas to discover and share, layers , creativity, thoughts and emotions put together in the pages. What I love is seeing it cradled there in your hand, made by you from start to finish, and beautiful.
    I can not image how cold it is where you live. Being creative takes your mind off things and that sense of achievement warms the heart. Take care, hope to see more of your lovely art soon. Millyx

  10. that is absolutely beautiful!!! I love the simplicity of your carved designs - and the complexity of pockets with hidden treasures - it works so well!

  11. Absolutely stunning - I love all the different elements and how it is so interactive. I've been contemplating an ABC book and this format has my brain going a hundred directions - the pockets could hold any number of things that start with the letter....hmmmm. Thanks for the idea!

  12. woooow!
    you say it well : "... love the sense of discovery - not being able to see the whole thing at first glance". even from here, that booklet looks mysterious and jam packed.
    and thank you for your tiny story on the wolves standing together. i don't think i ever saw wolves in the wild like that.
    till the weekend!

  13. Thanks for your visit and your lovely comment, Kim - and you're welcome - always a pleasure to follow someone so obviously creative!

    I'm glad you like my album. Still loads to do, and I have a feeling it will never be finished as I will always be thinking of more things to add!


  14. Your pockets and discoveries runneth over! Love this as I do everything you create. Happy weekend to you.

  15. i mean it kim, you never cease to inspire me. this gives me an idea for something i've been pondering...

    thank you... : )


  16. What a delightful book. That you've pocket pages to hold small surprises is such a unique idea. Big sigh...

  17. It looks so pretty Mommy! I miss being home to share all your wondrous creations with you :) Soon!!

    Your Nana-do-it.

  18. Your book makes me happy on so many levels - I am such an admirer of how peaceful and beautiful your work is and WOW girl - you are sure one great stamp carver!!

  19. Gosh, Kim - I would love to hold this treasure of a book and discover its many secrets. -sus

  20. Kim! Your chunky 'book of pocket's is wondrous and magical and lovely. Your stamps are incredible and your creativity knows no bounds...
