
Monday, January 7, 2013

A Cherished Day

A few days ago we had a day that I will cherish. 
We spent the day outside playing on Kluane Lake.

The cold temperatures have kept us inside lately, but this day was just perfect for playing
And exploring.
The wind blown ice surface, was covered in hard ridges of snow, but also had patches where the snow was blown away
and displayed these beautiful bubble patterns.
So fun to discover!
The windblown snow is hard packed, but still tricky to walk on as it is more uneven then it appears.
And  there was a huge pressure ridge to explore.
with beautiful blue ice.
The pressure ridge is  small compared to the size of the lake...
but large compared to us. 
A wonderful family day that I will add to my cherished memories of 2013. 
Jenny shares a wonderful idea of how to save and remember these special types of days here.


  1. What a beautiful place you live in. Those bubbles in the ice are amazing.

  2. Amazingly, beautiful photos! I've never seen anything like it. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Looks like it was a day of magic & love, Kim!

  4. LOVE the frozen air bubbles - so cool!!

  5. beautiful pass me a blanket..burrrr!

  6. That is sooooo COOL! The bubbles in the ice! Also that you made a ‘mommy memory’! (But darn it looks so cold! Brrrr!)

  7. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr---cold!


  8. Kim, thank you for sharing my idea here. These pictures are amazing! I really can't imagine living in this kind of environment. It is so breathtakingly beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing!

  9. Wow....unbelievably beautiful area of the world! Brrrr I can't imagine how cold your days have been if these are pictures on a warmer day. I love the air bubbles too. Keep warm. xo

  10. oh I am so impressed about this space. I would love to spend a time with my family there, too - I feel the fun you all together had this day.
    And there are some great pictures made with your fantastic artistic eye.
    Thanks for sharing
    x Stefanie

  11. The air bubbles! Fantastic shapes!!

  12. i love these pictures. i can feel being there with you all. xx

  13. myyyyyyyyy..... those air bubbles... and that blue ice....

  14. Cherished, for sure - what BEAUTIFUL photos! Bubbles and pressure ridges (I want to stand under there, too) - pretty magical winter stuff! Happt Tuesday - Tanya

  15. So I read that you live in remote Northern Canada. What lovely photos of the winter and ice. We are battling winter here too, and although not as remote as Canada, not many stay year around in our area of the lake because of the wicked winter conditions and difficult travel in our area. Makes it hard to get out and around during the long winters. So I totally relate to the computer being an outlet when you are wintered in!

    ~ Sherrie (Bird Lady)

  16. Dear Kim, what amazing blue ice. Your world is spectacular and I love seeing it today!
