
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Blog Party

If you haven't been here before, welcome to my blog!
(if you are looking for the drawing challenge please see previous post) 
I live in a remote part of Northern Canada, where the mountains are high and the winters are long. 
Because of this remoteness,  I am happy to join in this blog party, hosted by Vicki at 2 Bags Full
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I have always enjoyed being creative, but I always thought I couldn't draw.
So a few years back - although I was already in my 40's I decided it was time to learn how to draw, and I have been working at learning ever since.
Besides drawing, my favourite thing to create with lately is tea bags. 
  I have used them in making luminaries. 

accordian books, that also have some of my bird drawings in,

as well as on the front of my journal I made.
I am also trying my hand at painting
at collage making
and at all kinds of putterings.   

Including making jewelry.
Creating is a big part of me, and I always have something in the works.  

Thank you so much for visiting my blog. 
This original tea bag collage is ready to find a new home. 
 If  you would like a chance at winning it, please leave me a comment and I will randomly choose a winner on Feb. 1. 
UPDATE - February 1
Thanks for all the comments!  I loved hearing from so many of you, and loved visiting new blogs.
The winner of my small gift is


  1. your art is beeeaauutiful and calming. thank you for sharing it

  2. Hi Kim,

    Happy New Year and still love reading you blog which is relaxing and inspiring.

  3. Oh and glad I dont have to prove Im human to leave a message here.

  4. All your work at learning to draw has definately paid off. I love your drawings and you can see how your beautiful surroundings inspire the work that you do. I have been following your blog for a while now and would love to be in with a chance of winning a piece of your artwork.

  5. I never fail to be amazed at your beautiful work Kim, the pieces I own of yours are cherished and have pride of place in my home, you will always be one of my most favourite artists.
    I love seeing all your work together like this showing the range of your fabulous skills, you are one talented lady!!


  6. Wow! It's quite amazing and inspiring to see the mediums you work in in one post. I'd be honored to win your tea bag know how I like tea bags too.

  7. Your work is very lovely! You have a natural talent, a gift.

    FlowerLady Lorraine

  8. Kim, it' so neat to see all your beautiful genres of work put together like this in a post. Your work is truly special and uniquely you. I just put up your lovely book in my art just makes me happy to look at it.

  9. LOVE your projects LOVE your blog! Glad I disovered it, looks like you do a lot of types of ART!

  10. what lovely are so gifted! I have a giveaway too so please stop by. I do hope to win the birdies, they are gorgeous!

  11. Stunning! That journal is just beyond gorgeous, and I'm loving the accordian book and luminary as well. Oh, to be honest, I love them all, but I think these are my favorites!

  12. Gosh, Kim You have some amazingly beautiful creations here...I truly love them all. How talented you are! I'd love to know more about using teabags (really?!) so I'm going to follow you in the hope you will let me into the secret!!

  13. your work is awesome, I just love it!
    how did you do this little tea bag light?
    I love that collage, it is so playful and full of life, beautiful!
    x Stefanie

  14. The first thing that drew me in to your blog was your banner...and then I saw your art...and you say you are "learning" and never thought you could draw...I love it when people discover their talents...

  15. i love your work - wow - really the luminaries - so fun. glad i found you at the blog party. fun, fun, fun!! hope you will have a chance to stop by my blog. all the best to you. happy weekend. ( :

  16. hi kim, it's great to see your beautiful art work together in this post. I love each facet of it! great!! :)) mano

  17. Wow you are acomplished at quite a few things. I really like the accordian book. I scrolled down and am in love with the woman with the bird as part of her face. What a wonderful blog you have.

    Happy hopping, it was great to meet you.

  18. Gorgeous work, I see you bring something special to each and every medium.

  19. Beautiful Kim, this is the first (I can hardly believe it) time I actually 'saw' the collage part of a collaged tea bag paper in an art piece (done by you.) My head knew that you did this, my eyes saw that you did it, and my heart definitely appreciated it...but just now I SEE it. Some things take time I guess. Well I adore this and I would be thrilled to put it mildly, to live with it, so may I please toss my name into the wind to see if I might be chosen by serendipity. Beautiful post and it does show your activity and talent to a fine degree. Always loving your work, Norma, xo

  20. p.s. I am at my daughter's house and cat sitting for two weeks. She is 'Raven's Rest Studio' and you know me!! HA! hugs, N, xo

  21. p.p.s. you got me going friend. I have to start a tea bag collage immediately!!! :)

  22. I too love to make books. If I was as remote as you, I would be a prolific book maker. I look forward to coming back for ideas.

  23. Lovely, lovely work and blog. I'm glad I found you on the blog party.

  24. Id say your doing very well at all you have a go at!!
    Loved the collage with tree and cretan-ish house!
    I saw some amazing tea bag constructions at a recent show but not a patch on your work here.
    Im signing in to tag along : )

  25. Hi Kim, glad I found your beautiful blog through the GYB blog party! Stunning art work and the photo of were you live is absolutely breathtaking!
    Looking forward to reading and seeing more of your amazing creations!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  26. Oh my gosh, I am blown away by your talent! Every picture you had was just wonderful and I LOVE the teabag luminaries. Such creativeness!

  27. Your work is beautiful. I'm definitely coming back to explore more. Thanks for the inspiration.

  28. Beautiful work. Love the earthy 'glow' of your artwork.

  29. Hello Kim, from a fellow Canadian!

  30. Hi Kim! So glad to have found your wonderful blog showcasing all your incredible talent! Wow, what an incredible photo of the mountains... sadly, all is flat here in Manitoba, but I do love the winters. Your work is awesome and I am looking forward to adding you to my blog list so I can be sure to come back often! I will also be sure to add myself to your quickly-growing list of Followers! Happy weekend from Winnipeg!

  31. I love your teabag ideas. I've looked at stained teabags so many times and thought there had to be an idea in there. You have thought of it! These are beautiful. Thanks for joining in on the party.

  32. They are wonderful never seen them before
    This hop is so fun

  33. Your creative energy is awesome, thanks for showing us! Judy

  34. love your work! found your blog through the gyb party. hope you'll stop and visit me as well!

  35. Impressive and inspirational. Thanks for sharing your lovely creations.

  36. Wow!
    Thank you for sharing some of your stunning projects!
    I especially like your journal and accordion book!
    Best wishes from England!

  37. All I can do is echo others with a "WOW"! You are very gifted. Thanks for sharing your gift on this blog. I would love to be entered for this giveaway. Cathryn (blueladie at hotmail dot com)

  38. Your art is magificent, Kim. I have been lurking and admiring and appreciating your creations for awhile now.
    This is a perfect time to say hello and let you know how much I love all of your putterings! ;-)
    Thank you for sharing your art so beautifully with Blogland.
    Cheers !

  39. Oh my...your creations are fantastic! And the luminaria...outstanding! Stay warm and keep creating! I am now a follower. Hope you will visit me back! I am having great fun at the Blog Party. And would love to have a chance at your beautiful collage!

    Aloha from Vicki.

  40. what a lovely blog. Thanks for the giveaway.

  41. These are beautiful. I'm following and will be back to see more of your lovely work.

  42. I love your blog and your work. I will be back to visit often.

  43. Hello from southern Ontario, visiting from the GYB party. You create some nice things.

  44. this is so awesome - as is all your art!

  45. You have a lovely blog. I'm a new follower and participant of 'Grow your Blog'. Have fun at the party!
    Evalina, This and that...

  46. I enjoyed visiting you via GYBP event. Such beautiful art!

  47. You must have one of the nicest giveaways. Your artwork is beautiful.

  48. Your artwork is gorgeous! I`d love to enter your giveaway.

    pippirose59 at gmail dot com

  49. Your blog and each piece of artwork I see in soooo beautiful, you are truly so talented! Thanks for the chance to win one of your lovely pieces! Stop by my blog also!

  50. What a lovely give away.Thanks for the chance.

  51. Hi there,
    I just came from Vicki to learn about your blog! I think its a great idea... and I found we share at least one passion... painting - love your work - and now I will have a cup and stroll around here...

  52. Wow! You are so creative. I can draw a stick figure!
    Visiting from Vicki's GYB. I do quilting, smocking, and a little crafting.
    Come visit me at


  53. Hi Kim
    I am joining your blog grom the blog party! Nice to meet you! I am like you---I didn't start making real art until the last ten years. I drew as a child and was told my brother was the real artist so gave up before i finished grade school. It came back to me a few years ago and now I love to get up every day and make what needs to be made or draw what needs to be drawn.
    count me i as a new follower

  54. This is a really amazing blog, wonderful drawings, great ideas. I'm so happy I found it thanks to Vicki. I'm looking forward to your next post.

  55. Have thoroughly enjoyed visiting your blog. Your drawings are most gorgeous. Especially love your brids. I am a collector of things bird related. Do you sell your bird bracelets? I'd love to have one. :)

    Have become a follower of your blog. Look forward to many more visits.

    blessings, denise :D

  56. Kim - You are such an inspiration to me!! Never would've guessed that you are so new to drawing - Love all your work - Your collages are always so beautiful!

  57. Visiting via Vicki's GYB Party and love your work. Especially the books...gorgeous!

  58. Dropping in via the GYB Party - tea bag art, fish with crowns, jewelry, ice bubbles...this ROCKS! Hope your week is warm and wonderful - Tanya

  59. Oh, my... one of my passions - bookarts (beading, bookarts, photography)... Will follow your beautiful Blog and hope to strike correspondence. Hugs from Alaska. ( or

  60. You are very talented. I will enjoy following you. Visiting from GYP. Hope you'll stop by mine and have a visit.

  61. Your work is very lovely. Thanks for sharing. And do come to visit my blog, since the party goes on. I have a nice vintage lace book to giveaway. See you there.

  62. Hello Kim
    I am so glad I found you through Vicki. Your creations are so magical using articles from nature. You have so much talent in your drawing and photography skills.
    We share a common interest of creating journals - mine are often from paper and fabric and often with things from nature or recycled items.
    I will follow and welcome you to my little world too so you may have a chance to win a piece of my art too.
    All the best,

  63. Gosh I am so inspired! You have such a lovely blog and all your different art work is so amazing! I am just now learning to draw and I am loving the process, and I am in awe of your work!
    Your tea bag collage is beautiful, and I would be honored to have it here in my home.

  64. I just love your bird drawings on the tea bags. How unique and beautiful. I'm Sherrie, stopping in from Bird Lady Blog during the Grow Your Blog party. Count me as your newest follower!

  65. As you know, Kim, I love your work! It is great to see your variety of talents and interests.

  66. I enjoy seeing the variety of your talents. Never stop experimenting!!

  67. Did you hear a gasp?? Yup... that was me as I scrolled down your blog posts! Totally impressed with your talent and am enthralled with your tea bag art! Just love the texture and the feeling you get when laying eyes upon your work. Please enter me in your give-away as I would be so delighted to win!! I am now your newest follower having found you through the blog party. And I would love it if you came over to my blog for a visit! Like you, my creativity takes many different forms. After all, it's so hard to choose one!!

  68. Your nature themed artwork is very inspiring.

  69. Hello, I just recently found your blog and love your creative talents. I would love a chance to win your lovely tea bag art piece. I also wonder if someday you would consider teaching an online class? I have a huge bag of tea bags waiting to be transformed.

  70. Hi I just found you through the GYB party ... yep here I am still partying after all these days, there are so many wonderful places in blogland to visit It's taking me a while to go to them all.I enjoyed my visit your art in all its forms is breathtakingly beautiful, I look forward to following your adventures in the months to come

  71. Hi! I actually stumbled across your blog while searching for Paper Artsy stamps (that landed me on a 2010 set of posts about some "artsy" "paper" pages you were making). I feel like I've stumbled into Wonderland now, wandering through your blog! Your artwork is fantastic, your jewelry on this post is drop dead fabulous, and having now found your blog, I feel I'm already a winner. Thank you for the chance to win a beautiful handmade piece of yours, and thank you for the inspiration yet to come as I go backwards in time looking through your blog!

  72. ... what a Talent you are.. lovely items.. thanks for letting me stop by your blog and for the opportunity at your blog candy... mitz_zee@yahoodotcom

  73. Ohh, your drawings are so beautiful and so is the jewelry you made.

    kind regards from YokkoBears

  74. Beautiful art! Really like the pieces you created with tea bags(I 've tried it myself in collages and image transfers).I found your blog at CPS site.

  75. I love your art and creativity! I do like those birds you create, too! How wonderful to meet you through the blog party!

  76. You are so creative - love what you do with tea bags ... and am very curious as to how it's done! I'm slowly getting through the blog party list - I'm over at :)

  77. New follower here...I like your style. Your work is very impressive, especially since you said you were something of a late bloomer in arty stuff. Especially love the work you do with tea bags, and would love to be entered in your giveaway. I'm just about done with the massive blog list from the party!!

    Hope you can stop by my blog and giveaway, too!


  78. Wow, Kim, your artwork is amazing. It is also amazing what you can do with a tea bag I am here from the blog party and am glad I've "met" you. I will be looking at other posts so I can enjoy more of your work.

  79. Thank you so very much Kim! I am so honored to receive from you!
