
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Rustic Handmade Beads and Necklace

'Beads' was the challenge this week ... hosted by Norma.
It reminded me of some beads I made from some local seeds. 
These seeds are from the Donjek Berry, and have been used traditionally for years as beads by the local First Nations people.  Once the berry part is rubbed off, the seeds are beautiful, but still quite soft.
I put a hole through them and strung them on a piece of wire.
 When they dried  they shrank in size and hardened and became lovely little beads.
The other 'bead' I like to make is actually just a piece of wire wrapped around something.
(in this case a well worn wooden skewer)
I then remove the wire wrap, cut it into pieces, and bent the ends toward the middle of the bead. 
I used these seed beads and my wire wraps in making this rustic necklace.

The necklace can be worn long.....

or short with the chain wrapped twice around your neck.
To see more of the 'bead' challenge be sure to visit Norma


  1. beads of seeds, so very nice. It is a bit like as if you are a woman from older times, connected to mother nature, to celebrate her beauty means to celebrate our beauty - ok, sorry, if I sound a bit strange but english is strange for me ;)
    beautiful necklace!
    and thanks for your kind words at my blog
    x Stefanie

  2. I love the tribal, primal feel and look of this necklace Kim. It's stunning in it's earthy simplicity. I'm willing to say that you likely get a LOT of compliments on this when you wear it!

  3. Beautiful! And that you MADE those seed beads, when I would have just thought to go buy some - OK, you ROCK!

  4. Amazing. I like it very, very much. It's so beautiful.

  5. Well talented friend, this is spectacular. I am so excited by this visual that I can hardly type. The whole presentation (photography, lighting, background, etc. etc.) could be just 'lifted' and put into an art magazine. Either a print mag. or an on line version. This is so fabulous Kim. Your body of work compliment and enrich each other a thousandfold. The natural components and your colour palette celebrate nature in all of its' glory. Whether you are doing a drawing or painting or creating jewellery or whatever it is that you are putting your hand to, your palette remains true to itself. Wow is all I have to say!!! Hugs, Norma, x

  6. You are so creative! Always something new and interesting...very pretty!

  7. Fantastic piece and so wonderful you can wear it in either length. You'll get "wow's" on this, I know!

  8. Your lovely seed beads remind me of making beads from apple seeds and allspice and cloves long time ago. xxoo, sus

  9. oh what genius design and what eco project! Reminds me on my grandmothers appleseed necklesses... wonderful!

  10. wauw....
    what a beauty
    and what a talent you have!
    I just love those seed-beads
    thank you!!!!

    Patrice A.

  11. Great idea and beautiful result! Reminds me of Indian jewelery.

    Happy weekend

  12. What a beautiful necklace and very interesting about the beads too!

  13. Absolutely beautiful! Your style is just lovely!

  14. I am delighted, dear Kim...
    seeds... wire... shells... beading to a fantastic necklace! Looks native... wonderful.

    x Ariane.

  15. always so fascinating how human beings through time and in all cultures felt the need to and joy in decorating themselves and that today such a humble thing like a donjek berry inspires you to make such a wonderful piece of jewelry, xx

  16. you always "wow" me! i love the necklace kimmy. the fact that the beads are seeds adds such a deeper meaning to your creation.

  17. Oh my gosh, this is a beauty of a necklace! I love the jewelry that you make Kim! Actually everything... It is so nice to have time on my hands again. xox

  18. your necklace is so beautiful! I love thes little seeds together with silver and shells and other beads. :)) mano

  19. Hello, wonderful to visit your blog..What a great way to meet like minded women..Still working my way thru all the blogs..such delight.
