
Monday, February 11, 2013

1/2 Way There.....

I have played hockey since I was a young girl, and it has brought me much enjoyment.

A year ago today, I was playing in a small 'just for fun' tournament, and received a concussion that changed my life. 
During the past year, I have worked extremely hard with physical and occupational therapists,
and many many hours on my own in order to heal. 
One of my specialists told me I would heal.... it would just take time - probably 2 years. 
 And I have clung to her words  - hoping for a full recovery, even if it takes me another year. 
It has been hard, it has been slow and it has been painful,
 but it is happening, and I know I am getting better. 
After months of  hard work  and beaucracy  I have been okayed to return to work for 8 hours a week. 
 Tomorrow will be my first day back to work. 
I hope to be back with some of my creative meanderings in a few days.


  1. another step in the right direction ... what's another year ... as long as you get there ! :)

  2. I still can't believe how long this has gone on for and can't imagine how your life has changed because of it.

    I truly hope you do make a full recovery eventually and I also hope your return back to work is a good one.

    My thoughts have been with you a lot over the past year, I am especially reminded when looking at your art (which sits happily in my living room) of what a talented beautiful soul you are and I hope you know how much you and your art mean to me.

    Love from the UK

    Micki x

  3. I watched both of my sons deal with concussions from hockey and they are most certainly scary things. To hear of your experience and the lingering effects...puts this into so much more perspective. To all the men (especially men) who take contact hockey for granted and think that it's "okay" and that much of the talk of concussion is just "scare tactics" your experience as an adult sheds even more light on how fragile the brain is and how long it can take before you are 100%. And even then, the question is, does anyone who suffers a concussion every reach a full 100%? Some of that is the medical question that has yet to be answered. For you, I wish the recovery process continues and with a green light to go back to work, even on a short work week, this is progress. Long may it continue.

  4. Hello, my Dear! I've come to you from The "Grow Your Blog" was over before I knew about it, but it was so nice of Vicki to leave the list up! Anyway, I always welcome new blogs to enjoy, and yours is delightful! I am now following you ~ please come and visit me if you get a chance!
    So nice to "meet" you!

  5. so happy to read this, kim...


  6. me and tinky are sending you our love! Hope all goes well tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you!

  7. Dear Kim, you are a stong, patient, and extremely talented woman. I'm happy to hear you are recovering and heading back to work. Happy week to you. xo Carole

  8. I'm so happy Kim. You put a big smile on this face. Two thumbs up for all of your hard effort. You are reaping the rewards slowly as you recover slowly as you slowly work towards your healing goal. The universe is unfolding as it should, it seems to me. Looking forward to seeing your newest creative offerings...*big hugs* Norma, x

  9. Oh, what a terrible thing to have to go through...glad to hear you are better and heading back to work. Hope it was a good day. Sending you best wishes Kim!

  10. you are brave! thoughts with you my sweet

  11. oh my that must have been hard to go through
    i wish you a future without pain dear Kim, a fine new start
    gorgeous portrait! xx

  12. Good Luck and best wishes for your return to work. I hope you continue to recover and evenually get back to feeling a 100%.

  13. I can't imagine what you've gone through this past year, but am so glad that you are healing. Congratulations on being able to return to work. Sending wishes for a continued recovery!

  14. dear Kim, you are in my thoughts today. Best wishes as you return to the 'normalcy' of work. xxoo, sus

  15. Kim, I'm so glad you are half way and so very glad that you are a warrior woman ~
    keep up all the good work xo

  16. Wow Kim...a whole year...keep going! All the best for returning to work...I hope we still get to see plenty of you. Sending full recovery prayers your way. xo

  17. thinking of you and sending healing vibes your way as you get back to work. You certainly have spent this time away creating some amazingly beautiful artwork!

  18. Wishing you all the best in your recovery efforts, Kim. i hope this will be great year for you.

  19. Sorry to hear that your life was so shaken up... I hope the day back at work went ok... X

  20. I love this post. I think your self pic is a great addition, especially with your hockey helmet. you are a inspiration kim. not everyone can come out on top going though life changing events like you did. it is your positive energy and attitude along with your amazing artistic talent that has allowed you be where you are today. I hope your day went well and im thinking of you xx

  21. Dear Kim, you have been so strong and so creative, and all the while healing. I hope you enjoy being back at work and that you can go easy on yourself. I love the photo of you with your hockey helmet!

  22. What a shock to your system! I'm so sorry you've had such a struggle and hope you feel the improvements day by day.
