
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Success of the Unsuccessful


I have been wanting to try and make larger images on tea bag paper, and so I gave it a try by glueing tea bags together to the size I needed, and then using a photograph, some paint, some ink, some collage bits and pieces and my pen. 

But I wasn't happy with it, as it turned out flat.... muddy .... lacking some light. 
I will try the process again another day, as I love the process.

And I love the texture of working on tea bags. 

And then today, I had some fun playing with it on the computer (top and bottom photos).
 I like how this image turned out, and  I may use it on something yet... perhaps a card? or on a book cover?
 or on my calendar that I have only made 6 months worth so far? 
 Perhaps a partial success in the end.


  1. I think partial success is a great way to look at this. What you were hoping to achieve initially wasn't to your liking, but you learned that you like the process and will try it again. You expanded on what you had created and changed it with digitals and discovered something else. I still think working on teabags singly or stitched together is an incredible challenge and one you do beautifully.

  2. Sometimes the process is more important than the finished product. Although this finished product looks pretty darn good!

  3. This is excellent Kim! I love the little scratchy blue you put on the hills. You winter photos in the previous post are amazing...winter looks gorgeous in your part of the world.

  4. you don't like it?! boy, i think it's great... and i can't see any seams where the teabags are joined together. i have NO doubt you'll master it in a way that pleases you in no time. : )


  5. I like how you found a way to let in the light with your computer edits, Kim. This piece has a very Japanese feel for me, memories of Sasebo I think. -sus

  6. Interesting...I see what you mean by muddy [the middle photos?]. Even muddied, there's an's brooding and mysterious...a winter's day before the snow? Then I arrived at the last photo. It positively sings and glows! Yeah! You found a way to bring the light.

  7. I have saved some teabags to try some art with. Love yours.

  8. I like it Kim! Love the browns and a bit of blue...pretty!

  9. This is an inspired idea!! Glueing T bags together! wow, im going to give it a go, I love the textured surface you have created.

  10. I think this turned out fine ... something I've noticed is all the factors that can make things seem to work or not. Moods, weather, time. It's always good to put a piece aside and give it more energy on another day. I'm so glad you didn't give up on this one!

  11. Hi Kim, success is in the eyes of the beholder. xo Carole
    PS computer play is such fun!

  12. oh, it looks great - and yes: a postcard from your computer play!
    :-) mano

  13. I love the mist sitting at the bottom of the mountain. It looks like it may well rise up the mountain slowly. And I do love the results of your computer manipulation of the image...the different coloration...and resulting different mood. Your art is strong. It can withstand all kinds of manipulation and hold up. I see many different applications. Whether a calendar page, post card, cover for a writing pad/notebook, etc. Your use of the bits of white make the art bounce with life to my eye. Love your work Kim!! *smiles* Norma
