
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Wide Open

This week I feel like I have been cracked wide open. 
 I continue to learn all the things that I can no longer do like I used to be able to do (before concussion - 13 long months ago).  I have to learn new ways to do things that used to come so naturally and easily. In the privacy of my own home this was difficult, but being back to work  - even if it is only for a few hours a week - this has become heartbreakingly difficult as I have to learn to share with others that I can not do things. 
Probably the hardest thing I have ever had to do - to admit to not only myself but people that I work with - people that are co-workers and not necessarily friends - people that I work with professionally and do not want to share these difficulties with - to admit that I can not do even those tasks that used to be easy. 
Fortunately I can still create things. 
 I struggled to find time and energy to create this week, but I knew if I could find it, it would make me feel better. 

This piece is 8 inches X 10 inches and is made with layers of tea bags that I glued together.  I then added some paint and pastels and  with pencil and charcoal drew the flower  and some circles onto it.  The dots and leaves were collaged on in the final stages.

The flower like me is also wide open.


  1. Kim I am so sorry you are having to deal with all the issues since your brain injury. It's surprising I'm sure to find yourself in the situation you are in. I read an article this morning on CNN's web page. Reading your blog post today reminded me of it. Here is the link. Of course I don't know exactly what you are going through - but thought you might have an interest in reading this article. Wishing you wellness. And I'm sure glad you can still create the lovely things that you do.

  2. Beautiful, beautiful artwork!!
    Kim I can only imagine how hard that it must be for you having to explain things you don't want to explain to people who are not family or close friends. I am a very private person and rarely let on to many people when something is wrong so I can totally feel where you are coming from.

    As always my friend I am thinking of you and hoping your struggles fade away soon x

  3. Your creations are gorgious. I can only imagine how hard of a situation you are in, I hope that art helps you. Art helps me make it through the day to day difficulties in my life. Thank you for sharing your story and your lovely art.


  4. You know Kim, you are letting in the light to us and for us all. That is a gift (to us all and for us all) because not many do this in life. And by golly, in my opinion, WE ALL NEED this. I thank you and appreciate beyond words really, the light you have let in to my life. The art in this post is so utterly fabulous. Wowser talented one! Talk soon, love N., x
    p.s. not to put too fine a spin on it, and not to overstate it, or to state the obvious, but what I mean is that you let in light be showing truth in your life and who you are and what your experience of life is, AND you let in light via your art period. Have a great rest of the weekend. I'm trying to houseclean but darned it everywhere I look and every corner I clean contains bits of art materials and I wind up doing art. I'm lucky hey.

  5. This is such a beautiful creation, Kim.

  6. Kim, you, my blogfriend, are often on my mind.....usually when I've just thrown a tea bag into the compost bucket! Here's what I think about: 1. your artwork is beautful, 2. you are strong, 3. you are brave (posting this post is an act of braveness as is telling people at work), 4. you are loved, 5. you are loved, 6. you are loved. Take care. xo Carole

  7. The beauty of your art is as inspiring as your story! LOVE your creations and wish you well. . .

  8. This piece of art sure makes me feel better, it's so beautiful. I'm hoping & praying that things get easier for you, remember that people can surprise you and will open their hearts and will help as much as you need and want them to. What I can do is send a big hug.

  9. dear Kim,this is a very fine work, looking and reading i was thinking ; a flower in full bloom, letting in the sun, the light, showing the beauty of it's heart but also exposed and vulnerable, rain might fall hard and cold or soft and sparkling.

    wishing you strenght, love, x

  10. I have been in a similar situation myself, albeit under different circumstances and my heart goes out to you. I hope it helps to know that your beautiful art brings so much pleasure to a lot of people. Your injury may have stopped you from doing some things but it has not stopped you from creating beautiful pieces of art and that is something to cherish.

  11. Congratulations on getting this far. Your art work is beautiful, everything else will follow.

  12. Dear Kim, I'm sorry for you that you have to deal with such enormous difficulties and even if you don't feel like it: you're a very strong woman! Obviously it takes time strengh and a lot of effort to get back on track and the hard part of admitting not been able to do all you want to. It doesn't show in your beautiful and lovely art work it has wonderful colour and full of texture.
    Love and hugs

  13. whatever it is that you can't do, sorry and I hope you work it out. But girl, boy can you do art!!!!! You Rock!

  14. Kim-I totally agree with Jill-you definitely have what it takes with art. My sister had viral meningitis in December and she still can not function at most things she used to be able to do. She can't even walk by herself. It is had to see and feel her struggle. I am going to tellher about your blog and let you be the inspiration she may just need. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Beautiful piece - It makes me happy! Your words though make me very sad. I hope you have a very supportive group at work to help make things easier. Talk to you soon!

  16. It seems to me that this new learning process you're having to endure, may bring out things about yourself that you really did'nt know before.
    It won't be easy but many of us take life and what we do for granted, you are being challenged and may yet realise ahead of most of us.......what is really important and of most value.
    This piece you created is simply stunning and symbolic of your own re-blossoming in so many ways.
    You may doubt it from time to time.......but I think your a survivor and you have a wonderful gift in your fingers and its coming from that bruised brain......magical really. Good luck !

  17. Kim, I found your blog on Kelly Rae's Possibilitarian post. I wanted to say hello, and tell you that I really like your use of natural materials, and especially like your acordian books. I look forward to reading more. Valerie

  18. Kim, Your beautiful artwork sustains hope, for you and for others as does the courage of your words here written. Thank you for such honesty. Hugs to you and a happy week ahead, sus

  19. Though you are struggling, you sound like you are remaining are honoring your body and its path to healing...
    Kim, this art you created is beautiful! It has a fragility and peace to it....but also is bold and courageous....truly beautiful!

  20. Hello - I found you on Nat's blog. This poppy is so, so wonderful, that I can't help but say, if you can NOTHING but make pieces like this, then how great. But, of course, that is easy for me to say.

    Not sure if the flower is a poppy - but if it is, interesting, given that that flower is a symbol of both remembering (Flanders Field) and forgetting (opium) - which seems an apt symbol for someone recovering from a concussion...

  21. that was meant to say "do nothing but"

  22. What an amazing piece of art. Just beautiful!

  23. Your artwork is beautiful. I am so sorry you have to struggle so hard. Ten years ago my life was turned upside down and am still finding struggles every day. What really matters is that you get up to face the day every morning and do the best you can. and here you are sharing your art and teaching all of us in the process....yes you are letting your light shine for all of us.

  24. Whatever you're encountering in the workplace ... My heart goes out to you. If I had to go back, I would be back at square one I'm sure - and the thought petrifies me. Your art is so beautiful .... That is your true heart work. This piece is especially lovely - and your heart sharing makes it so.

  25. Hi again Kim.....I'm hosting this week's Drawing Challenge: Willow and I'm inviting to join in the fun! If you'd like to just go to my blog and sign up there. Take care. xo C

  26. This is so amazing. I'm so impressed by your work. It's great that you are striving everyday to be the new you! Keep going. Are your charcoal tea bag flowers for sale? Contact me if so! On Facebook at Cynthia Dickinson Huesmann
