
Saturday, March 16, 2013


The drawing challenge theme this week is WILLOW
 I knew I had to join in as one of my favourite Springtime things are pussywillows. 
  Unfortunately neither Spring nor pussywillows have arrived in my part of the world. 
To celebrate willow, I decided to carve a stamp of pussywillows.
My first attempt (stamp on the right) didn't look anything like what I was thinking, so I tried again.
I was carving my stamps on rubber erasers, and decided I needed two erasers to make up the stamp.

And when I stamp it, I just overlap the two stems and it looks like one stamp.
I made a card with a decorated envelope


 as well as some little tags.
To enjoy more of  WILLOW  head over to Carole's blog.


  1. Whow this is very nice!It worked uout very wll with two stamps.

  2. Beautiful willow play !
    I was in the grocery store this week here in New Hampshire and they had pussy willow branches for sale. I went and petted the little furry buds with my finger tips. Hope that they will burst out here soon !
    Happy Weekend !

  3. Beautifully done! Love the stamp...

  4. Beautiful images! I have never been to the Yukon. Are there any places to teach workshops there? How does one GET there? Thank you for your contribution to my postcard project. Just got your card in the mail today.

    I see you are doing Carole Reid's drawing theme. She has sent me postcards too.

  5. All of your stamps from the first to the last are so fresh and energetic. I love that you made a relief print stamp! hand colored, too. delicate and tender like the buds.

  6. These are so beautiful! I love your stamps and your tags, they are so stunning!

  7. The use of two stamps creates the ideal effect!

  8. The stamps are great. I love the card and envelope and the tags are great too.

  9. Kim, I LOVE your little willow stamps! Each photo got me more and more excited by your inspiration and enthusiasm. The print would make some amazing wall paper or fabric.....hint, hint! xo Carole

  10. Very tasty stamps, Kim. Pussy willow such a sign of spring for us Northern Women. BUT - at home, snow again for days! I am glad to have escaped to Denver for a little while.
    Lovely work.

  11. I love all of the images AND especially how you've used them. They remind me of what I used to see as magical when I was a child. I used to be transfixed with wood block style illustrations in children's books. These have those innocent and yet powerful qualities. They are the best ever Kim. I hope you do more and more and more carving. What talent!!! As always, N, xo

  12. i like how you describe what you do. like you've created all of this on the spot (which you did, of course) and then this triggers ideas and you act upon it. so gentle, so spontaneous, so spot on.

  13. so recognizable your 'willow' Kim, the choice of paper colors contrasting beautifully with the clear pussywillows, lovely tags ready for spring (may it arrive soon) xx

  14. Beautiful Kim, I love your stamps, you carve so fabulously!!
    I am still shamed faced to say I haven't tried stamp carving yet, one of those many things to add to the list of things to try some day :)

  15. carving and stamping
    what I like and love the most
    and your sweet pussy-willow
    looks just beautiful!
    I love the one with the soft grey the most
    great work!!

    Patrice A.

  16. good idea to make a stamp of pussywillows (new word learned :-)) and how clever to combine the two. They look very nice!

  17. They turned out great. We are all waiting for spring! I'm in the "fifth season" = Mud, as my friend Corrine calls it. To cold for spring, to warm for winter, makes for mud.

  18. Great stamps! And so many possiblities with only two stamps!
    I hope they are calling Spring!
    Have a wonderful Sunday

  19. These are marvelous! So simple yet so wonderful!! Love, love, love!!!

  20. Ohhh, lovely stamps and tags! Great idea!

  21. Kim - these turned out beautifully!!! Gorgeous work!

  22. Dear Kim,
    wonderful, simply wonderful, beautiful are your branches of willow with catkins. Love most the rose coloured one on the right...
    and another thing is important, too... that you tried again after it didn't look like your own vision. BTW I like them all ;)
    Great work!


  23. I love your stamp and the prints very much! really beautiful!!
    :)) mano
