
Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Catch Up Continues....

 I continue to work on finishing projects that have been sitting around my studio for some time. 

 I made these rustic pins over two months ago, and started the necklace below at the same time.

Hand drawn little pencil doodles on painted paper, captured in layers of resin and wax, and supported on a reclaimed piece of metal that I cut and filed to size. 
  I then wrapped the cord with cotton thread as I sewed each link onto the cord.

A bit of a busy necklace. . . .

but at least it is finished!

And now for the weather.......

  It may not look too spring like because of the snow, but to me spring is very much about getting the long day light hours - this picture was taken at 10 PM last night.

The snow continued and it looked like this by morning, and by lunch time  we had a total of 12 inches of fresh snow (on top of the snow we still had).  It was a very beautiful day.... but the snow was very heavy to shovel!


  1. Wow! I love your 'busy' necklace, it's beautiful! I love the little doodles! I also love that I am in hawaii, instead of at home with your snow!

  2. Beautiful!
    And snow oh no, we are so happy that it´s gone here in Germany :)
    best wishes x Stefanie

  3. The necklace almost appears to be painted ivory--very fun.
    More snow expected here in the next few days, too. The rhubarb kindly disagrees that it should still be winter weather.

  4. The necklace is very unique and lovely.
    The snow looks pretty, but cold. We don't have much of that around here. :)

  5. What a gorgeous necklace with those varied pendants hanging from it. Weather wise,,,mmmmm... and I thought my winter was a long one this year. You beat me as far as the snow goes. All that exercise shoveling out.

  6. Spring and snow in the same sentence confuses me! LOL And I can’t even begin to comprehend daylight at 10 PM!
    (Lovely necklace BTW!)

  7. I applaud your finishing things, Kim!
    ARRRRGH to that snow, however. The weather forecast here calls for snow tonight and tomorrow night, but promises no accumulation...
    Hey, at least the days are longer, right? Best wishes,

  8. really nice photos kim and it was really great to see the face behind this beautiful art.

  9. Beautiful necklace Kim! So intricate, I'd have trouble finding a particular panel that i liked the most! I can't believe you have such thick snow. It's amazing, I've never lived in the snow before. We are just moving slowly into autumn now here in NZ. :)

  10. You've caught up with some lovely work & I loved your finding yellow book & dried daffodils, I've never thought of drying daffs!Good to see some frozen bubbles again, you live in a truly beautiful place.
