
Monday, May 20, 2013

A Mother's Day Tale

Hi! (that's me)
Mother's Day was a week ago, but I thought I would share a bit of my day with you. 
Every year for almost 20 years  my mother and father, husband, daughters and I 
 (and sometimes my sister and her family who live 100 miles away)
go to this place. 

We call it Crocus Hill, as it is where the first signs of spring are found. 
Whether we are having an early spring, or a late spring,
 there has ALWAYS been crocuses on this hill on Mother's Day.

Another thing about this place is that it is ALWAYS very windy.

But we go anyway. 
 It is only about a five minute drive from home.

We have a picnic,
 that often turns into a tailgate picnic, as the wind is quite cold, and it blows things around on us.   

We spend time just enjoying the place and our time together.
(husband and daughter #1)

We blow bubbles

Well really the wind blows bubbles for us.
(my mom and daughter #1)

(my dad and daughter #2)

(my mom and her bubbles)

We fly kites

My dad is the master of kite flying. 
 It is so windy here that an ordinary kite does not fly well, 
but over the years we have learned that a kite with a long and heavy tail flies well.

Or in this case, two kites joined together. 

You can see my dad's kite high, high above the trees. 
These trees have eaten a number of our kites over the years.  
And my dad has been known to climb a tree 
or come back with a ladder later in the day to rescue a grand daughters special kite.

We then go for a hike among the wind blown trees, that never grow straight. 

This little wind blown tree is probably close to the same age as my dad (80 years old)
The leaves have still not arrived, and will be some time yet.
(it snowed last night)

Just before we go home we pick a few crocuses to take with us.

My husband gathers me some.

We then head home after a lovely time on Crocus Hill. 


  1. Wow! What a place you live in! A lovely way to celebrate Mother's Day. Thanks for sharing it with all of us on the other side of the border!

  2. so lovely to see you and your family. such a wonderful thing to do for mother's day! the pasqueflowers are gorgeous and so very many! makes me want to go east of the Rockies to visit them, that is where i find them in early spring.

  3. Kim, what a glorious day. Thank you so much for sharing. I can feel the wind, and see the colour of the crocuses, and smell the freshness. I can imagine a cup of strong hot coffee from the thermos and basically it is all perfect pretty much. You have an awesome family. N, x

  4. What a wonderful tradition and a gorgeous backdrop for your narrative.

  5. Absolutely beautiful. The tradition, the family, the setting, but mostly those mountains! They are breathtaking! You are lucky to live in such a beautiful place! (I can say that as I’m safely ensconced in a tropical climate! ;D)

  6. What a lovely family you have! Nice to see your face as well. Looks like you had a wonderful day. :)

  7. What a beautiful day to share with us. Must go and put on sweater you make me feel sooo cold. What a great part of the country and lovely traditions your family has.

  8. Hi Kim, nice to meet/see you! Wow, I love everything about your post. What an anusual (too me) place that is and I love your wonderful family and what a great and cute tradition you have and the crocusses also look totally different (more beautiful) than our version here! Wonderful pictures by the way.
    Thanks for sharing and taking us on this wonderful trip to this breathtaking landscape!

  9. Nice day! the photo with your mom and good!!!!

  10. What a precious post Kim. I love seeing a photo of you and your family in your home outdoors. How beautiful it is!!! Did you know you can print your blog in book form? That way should Blogger ever crash forever, you still have precious moments like this...just like a photo journal. Thanks for sharing your Mother's Day with us. The bubble blowing is especially a sweet tradition.

  11. Dear Kim,
    what a lovely gathering of your family!
    That pic of your mother with her bubbles touches me most... and of course: the nature! WOW.

    xo Ariane.

  12. Thanks for showing us a way to spend Mother's Day outside enjoying real flowers.

  13. Looks like it was a wonderful day! Great pictures! All that's missing is us and a little white dog!

  14. Gosh what poetry, love is all around!! Beautiful, beautiful post!!

  15. What a beautiful spot - and such a great way to build family traditions. Love that your dad would go back for the kites! Those crocuses are gorgeous! Happy Mothers Day!

  16. This is such a lovely, sweet post for Mother's Day! All your photos and stories are wonderful but my two favorites are of your mother blowing bubbles, and of her picking flowers. It looks like it was a perfect family outing.

  17. this is such a happy post. Kites are wasted on the young!! Love your blog.

  18. What a sight and place - so special. I love your pics and the wonderful post. Have a great weekend. Greetings, from Inge

  19. hi kim, what a beautiful place to live and a wonderful family who know how to have fun and the importance of tradition carried on. i love those purple crocus <3
