
Monday, May 27, 2013

Botanical Bits on Display

Gardens are beginning to be filled up with flowers as our night time temperatures are finally above the freezing mark.  As usual I am behind with that, but I have been playing with the pressed flowers that I still have lots of. 

 I so enjoy making these little decorative bits, but struggle with knowing what to call them.  
This little one fits nicely in my hand when closed

and stands up proudly to be displayed when open. 
Here you can see the inside...

And here is the outside.  

I have called them a booklet before - but they are not as they have no pages.....
 so if anyone has any suggestions  for what to call them I would love to hear them. 


  1. These are just wonderful!! Sophisticated and beautifully thought through - they are such wonderful botanical plates - I am not sure they need another name - cheers - will head to Etsy to have a look at your work there!!

  2. I think you already named them but don’t realize it ‘Botanical Bits’ sounds just right to me! Lovely! (I covet this one!)

  3. wow, I love this! I don't know what to call it either, but it's beautiful. I love the pink-ish flowers.

  4. I say just call them beautiful!!

  5. Yeah I am with Janet. I call them beautiful too! But actually I'd call them a single fold something. Single-fold little book. Single-fold booklet. A booklet doesn't have to have a cover does it? I don't think so. If that's the case, then this single-fold two page booklet has no cover. If that was the cover, it'd be an empty booklet. This sounds like Alice in Wonderland talk. The little books I am making these days is really just a chunk of really really heavy watercolour paper which I paint on, on both sides and then fold twice on the opposite sides of the page, to get an accordion style of fold. I call this a two-fold accordion style little book. I tie it so it'll stay closed. So I'm thinking that if mine is a two-fold accordion style, yours could be a single-fold four page booklet. It has two leaves really, to make the four pages. Does this make sense? It does to me. Oh how I love your work. You cannot know the love in my heart for your work. Make tons of these. The world is much more beautiful because of them. Love N, xo

  6. p.s. are they called/spelled leafs (does adding a v instead of an f make it a botanical thing instead of a sheet of paper?) A single leaf of paper gives two pages [one on either side of the leaf] and two leafs give four pages. Two leaves might just refer to a plant. I need to google this. But I'm just sayin' ... N, x

  7. Okay I got it, how about this: single-fold pamphlet style booklet, or little book. Night, N, xo

  8. Tiny flower folios. Perfect, small and sweet.

    Love them !

  9. Artist's books and booklets don't need to have pages, they don't even need to look like conventional books, so this can perfectly be called a 'booklet of beauty'. Cause it's so beautiful!

  10. Love them! They're a lovely piece of art!

  11. O, gorgeous, I just LOVE your ART! Always curious how you create this..
    you could call it a book-frame maybe, as it's a frame of beautiful art, looks like a book! LOL

  12. gorgeous red!
    dear Kim, i'm hosting our next dc, do you feel like playing , xx

  13. I like botanical bits too...are they made on wood?? they are really intricate and layered just beautiful!

  14. i was looking at this and thinking that they are translucent and hold light, then i thought of your blogs title.... so perfect for the art you do and most likely your and my heart too.

  15. precious art leaves (like a leaf of a book)?

  16. Floral folio? Whatever you call them they are lovely!
