
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Finding Green

 In the search for all the colours of the rainbow it is time to find GREEN.
 There are no fresh leaves on the aspen trees yet, 
but this little spruce tree did show its lovely fresh green amongst the browns and greys of its surrounding environment.

 And because I still have some pressed green leaves and petals from last year, I decided they could be the focal point of a green  based creation.

Here you see the inside when it is open....

 and here is the outside.

 It can stand up and be displayed closed 

 or wide open.

 To find more green visit Jennifer and Julie


  1. Hi Kim, I love the greens in this piece. Living where you do must give you access to lots of lovely flowers and plants to use in your art work. I have done a little post over on my blog about your little painting which I have just recieved, along with my feeble attempt at a painting on teabag paper. Hope you can pop by and take a look.

  2. Hello Kim, this is a total beauty again!

  3. Kim- I absolutely LOVE this little green creation! Thanks for sharing it and for taking part in Roy this month.--Julie

  4. Amazing as always Kim...I love seeing your use of green here. I can smell that pine too!!!

  5. What a gorgeous little green creation - I love those acid greens!

  6. Fabulous Kim! My favourite colour!

  7. Absolutely marvelous. There is something so calming and peaceful about green! And I received my lovely necklace in the mail yesterday--thank you!!!

  8. Your work tickles my fancy Kim. Always brilliant and fresh and uniquely YOU! Beautiful greens. N, x

  9. What a beautiful green piece!

  10. What a gorgeously fresh green spruce - the detailed shot especially fascinates me. And your green-inspired book came out beautifully! I love all of the markings & layers & rich details...

  11. Thanks for sharing your green ... a truly beautiful piece of art.

  12. Green and brown are my favorite colors so this piece is particularly striking to me! Gorgeous!

  13. your little folder looks simpy gorgeous!

  14. this is so beautiful
    there is something in the way you work with colors that creates a luminosity
    this is so inviting to my eyes

  15. I have found you via Jennifer Coyne Qudeen - wow - love this work - wonderful!!
