
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Blogging Blessings

I had the wonderful good fortune to meet a blogging friend in person earlier this week.  Kim Rogers lives in Alaska and together with her husband Dave made a 6 or 7 hour drive to visit me on the shores of Kluane Lake, Yukon.
While they were there we enjoyed the beautiful flowers
and we spent lots of time collecting rocks and bits of driftwood on the beach.
The nesting Arctic Terns made sure we didn't get too close to their nest.
and the gulls kept us entertained
Especially the Mew Gulls that liked to bother the Terns and cause a raucous.
Dave dreamt about a spot to catch a fish, so tried his luck in the morning
while Kim and I wandered the beach enjoying the scenery, the beachcombing and each others company.
And while Kim and I were exploring, Dave caught a fish, which we immediately cooked up on a fire by the beach.
Here are Kim and I just after we finished eating our delicious Lake Trout meal. 
How thrilled I was that Kim brought her earrings with her to show me what she has been making.  She combines her beautiful handmade lamp work beads and headpins with components from other amazing artists and designs many diverse and beautiful pieces. 
They were such a delight to see in person!
AND ....
Kim also gifted me with some of her beautiful crusty beads and headpins as she knows I like to make some jewelry too. 
I LOVE each of these pieces, and can't wait to decide how I am going to use them.
(I have promised myself to use them and not hoard them away as I seem to do when I get such precious and beautiful things)
When I arrived home I dug through my bucket of rocks and driftwood and added some pressed botanical bits to some rocks, and then played with them and other Kluane Lake finds
I know that every time I dig through that bucket of bits, I will smile and think of my visit to Kluane lake with Kim and Dave.
Blogging has been such a gift for me, and to meet Dave and Kim in person because of blogging, was even a greater gift then I imagined when I set out on this blogging journey. 
What a beautiful time I had.


  1. So funny, Our posts came out within minutes of each other and how great it is to see your account of the meeting! I love the way you arranged my pieces with the beach goodies Thanks so much for a wonderful visit.

  2. I was smiling along with you through this whole post. I felt like I was there too! :D

  3. I follow both of your blogs and just loved the way you guys got together. I think it is so wonderful and I am glad you met. It does look chilly up there though! LOL!

  4. What a wonderful meet-up! I'm glad you all were able to visit and have such lovely weather, and a fine meal to boot!

  5. Looks like a lovely meetup! How fantastic to meet such like minded people.
    I am planning a trip out there soon so we can get together for a meetup!

  6. What a beautiful post Kim. It was just like I was a fly on the wall looking in on your beautiful time visiting. I especially enjoyed the idea that Dave had a dream and then went and lived out the dream [by catching a fish in the spot he'd dreamed about.] That makes me wonderfully excited and smiling to think of it. I bet it tasted over the moon yummy. I am particularly satisfied somehow, that you have gulls and more gulls (never mind the other great birds) in your world. The cry of a gull is like taking medicine to me. They start up at the break of day [around 5 a.m. or earlier these days.] Well I will push off here but just to say that Kim's earrings are really nice. Your hand in service to your creative heart has created a vision of wonderfulness with those bits. Talk soon, Norma, xo

  7. It really warms my heart to think of you two Kims and your Men together in real life. Great post -thanks for sharing your visit!

  8. I think it's so wonderful that you got to meet her! Blogging friends really are a gift. Her earrings are lovely and your surroundings look like heaven.

  9. what a beautiful post!
    the meeting
    the sea and all it's treasures
    i can almost hear the gulls ;^))
    and all my favorite colors

    a wonderful day
    seen through beautiful images
    thank you!!

    Patrice A.

  10. Wonderful place to spend a day with good friends, love the stones and driftwood you found, great idea with dried flowers on stones, thanks for visit and sweet comment on my blog.

  11. neat to read your side of the story. I just got one of your note cards in a package I got from Kim and so, being curious, looked up your site. (Wonderful, btw!!!) So I got busy reading and then all clicked into place who you are. I remember when Kim went to visit you last month. Well anyway, so glad to have found you. And now I'm a new subscriber, too. Nice to meet you!
