
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Inspired by Nature

I am constantly inspired by nature,
so knew I had to join in with the challenge theme of nature
I went on a 15 km (9 mile) hike a couple of days ago just a few miles from home
(photo above)
And last weekend my daughter and I drove a couple of hours to hike on the Alaskan coast.
We are always amazed the difference in vegetation that we find just a few hours away.

The forest is so big and lush compared to the forest where we live.

This short hike takes you to a little bay on the ocean,
where we love to explore and discover new things.
My pockets were heavy with smooth stones that I had collected,
and I also found a lovely piece of driftwood that found its way home with me.
The clouds and bits of showers added to the  beauty of the mountains.
On the hike back to the car, I picked a few pieces of fern
That joined my piece of driftwood
 and a few of my rocks that I collected on the shore.
The beauty I find in nature is a constant inspiration.
To see more nature inspired creations, make sure to visit Nadine


  1. You couldn't help but be inspired by your beautiful surroundings. I love what you have done with the driftwood.

  2. I love the fresh of the green on your stones and driftwood. And watching those pictures of the nature, the forest is so very pleasent even therapeutic, thanks for sharing!
    x Stefanie

  3. Very inspiring Kim...your creations and your hiking. What a beautiful place to hike! Love the photo of your daughter perched on that big rock.

  4. that nature is overwhelming!
    and although i like the stones and driftwood
    i keep looking at the image of the mountains
    so beautiful.....

    fine weekend!
    Patrice A.

  5. What lovely photo and your stones are a treasure.

  6. it looks
    and sounds
    as though you and your daughter had a lovely and nurturing time
    it looks so beautiful there
    and your art with ferns is beautiful to see
    you make me want to take a walk

  7. Lovely textures and contrasts in the fern/wood piece. What a beautiful place... I would probably be tempted to bring the whole shore home, so full of good stones. I have to edit myself at the river here, or I can't carry my bag up to the car!

  8. You truly are surround by beauty. Each time you post photos of your part of the world, I am awed by nature's beauty. I LOVE your driftwood and rocks. Have a great week, Kim.

  9. Your driftwood and rocks are WAY COOL! (and your photographs alway blow me away!)♥♥♥

  10. Oh, what an amazing landscape! Beautiful, calm and originally!
    And so are your lovely painted stones and wooden pieces! Don't know which I love most, so beautiful each!

  11. yes, it is to you, very much so, isn't it, a constant inspiration, nature is.
    i relax when i visit your site, because you have this apparant ease to translate your surrounding natural landscapes into bitesize pieces of art. and here you've done it again. no matter whether you work on a piece of paper, or you get into more dimensions, it is a ®kim.
    i am in awe of your surroundings, but i am also of your work. just beautiful.
    oh, and beautiful is your header too!
    thank you so much for participating, kim.

  12. OK, Kim, next summer I will ferry to Skagway and you drive down and we can take a nice hike together. Seriously.
    Your rocks are so pretty. xxoo, sus

  13. Your landscape photos always take my breath away, that is truly pure beauty and nature at its best, as living in crowed Europe this vast open space makes me dream. Your artwork is delicate as always!
    Hope you like to join the next dc at my place/blog

  14. What a wonderful place and fascinating images.. and I love the driftwood art:) Leena

  15. What a wonderful place and fascinating images.. and I love the driftwood art:) Leena

  16. how can l subscribe to little wolf site?

  17. So magnificent the nature you have at your door! and I love especially that wood piece!!
    Well done :) nature speaks so easily to us all

  18. Hello!

    Beautiful images and your work it´s so creative and original, love the freshness on it, the rocks are killing me of cuteness!

    Nice to meet you here!

  19. i can imagine easily this is a theme close to your heart Kim,
    the light plays as beautiful on your driftwood piece as it does in that grand wood,magical green, wonderful, xx

  20. Breathtaking beauty is your spot on this earth. And breathtaking beauty is the sculptural piece of driftwood combined with your natural artistic hand. It's divine Kim. How you got the fern to adapt to the curving shapes of the wood! Brava! I'm completely smitten. Those bits of text laid down as a bed, and with the circle mysterious shapes. Wow is all I can say. Love it. Love it a lot! N, xo
    p.s. you must be feeling so much better to be able to walk hikes that are miles and miles and miles long. I am so happy to hear you talk of your escapades with your daughter. *smiles in my heart*

  21. Kim, I agree with Sus--a meetup would be wonderful.

    I love, love, love that driftwood and am so terribly jealous of all the cotton grass you seem to have up north!!

  22. Gorgeous, I would love to visit there one day. I could feel myself relaxing just looking at the sights through the screen :)

    Your stone and driftwood pieces are gorgeous! Nothing like having bits of the outdoors inside!
