
Friday, September 13, 2013


I am still infatuated with playing with tea bags, images, and various mediums. 

I love how the layers of paint look piled onto the tea bag

with bits and pieces of things I have added peeking through.

And with the frosty nights we have been having, our vegetation will soon be gone.
And so I seem to be drawn to create with these bits of vegetation that will not return for many months. 

I wonder how long this infatuation will last. 


  1. Both are lovely as always. I particularly like the blue in the first piece. I hope you never lose your fascination with tea bags.

  2. Stunning creations!! I am totally intrigued by your use of tea bags, I so wish that one day you will do a tutorial!!!

  3. I hope your infatuation continues because I love seeing these little pieces of art. Simply beautiful!

  4. I hope it lasts for a very long time! I adore your work!

  5. These are both true beauties. I am really drawn to the blue one. You have created an entire world in such a small, delicate place!
