
Thursday, September 5, 2013


My youngest daughter headed out on her first major -  without parents -  journey.  
She left the wilds of our Northern Canadian home
and is now in Europe
where her and a friend are travelling for the next couple of months.

Before she left I made her a journal

She wanted the pages to be different sizes and messy - just my style!

 I  also included a few pockets throughout the book

I miss her, 
but I hope she has a wonderful adventure


  1. What a beautiful book, I'm sure it will be the first of many wonderful adventures for her! Hope all is going well so far! At least you have a little tinky to keep you company!

  2. It is a hard moment when the kids leave home to spread their wings - but this is a wonderful treasure for her to carry and remember that her Mum loves her - well done Kim - it is a gorgeous Journal for a Journey!!

  3. Amazing journal, amazing daughter, amazing mother. ‘Nuff said!

  4. Beautiful journal, I hope she stuffs it full of wonderment and experiences.
    Thanks so much for your kind words on my blog post about my dear old Dad. It warms my heart to have support from all over the planet from my arty friends. I made it home yesterday and there was a fresh moose heart in the fridge waiting for me!

  5. What a beautiful gift for your daughter. I am sure she will fill it with with lots of wonderful memories.

  6. Oh what a gorgeous journal - you have me wanting to run off and make one too. lovely!

  7. Such a long way for her to be away from home. I hope she is filling her journal with lots of great stories and memories right now and then will bring them home to show and share with you. The journal is beautiful, as is your daughter.

  8. you will travel with her dear Kim, in her heart and in her backpack, yes gorgeous journal,xx

  9. oh what a beautiful journal.....she will just love putting down her memories and collecting things for it ....I hope she has a wonderful trip......

  10. so beautiful Kim - from one crazy journal writing, memento keeping gal - what a lovely gift.

  11. How wonderful for her and such a special gift to take along! I remember doing the same thing when I was young and it was a journey that really changed me in ways I never expected! I hope she has a fantastic time!

  12. ah, such a lovely gift to send with her
    and so nice that she had input for how she would like it

    it really looks wonderful.
    i wish her a beautiful and inspiring journey~

  13. What a wonderful idea and such a beautiful job. A lovely keepsake.

  14. Your beautiful daughter will be out and about with wide eyes absorbing amazing things, and will safely return with this exquisitely made journal full of memories to keep forever. I wish I could exchange shoes with her! x L x
