
Saturday, December 14, 2013


This week's drawing challenge is GARLAND
definition - a decorative wreath or cord, used at festive occasions

Right away I  thought of a lovely garland I made years ago with dried natural elements.  
And then I thought about the new garland I am hoping (cross my fingers ) to make this year.

BUT when I came down the stairs and looked out my window
 I knew I had to share nature's garland 
that is so beautifully on display in my neck of the woods. 

For more interpretations of this theme make sure to visit Nadine!


  1. Oh my goodness this outlook is just amazing! Fancy viewing this straight from your window!
    I was intrigued about the subject of your post today because I have just posted a garland/bunting of my own based on burlap, cotton, sari silk and lace with the Madonna and child theme for Christmas! - just in case you wanted a peek!

  2. nature's garlands are the best! wonderful pictures!
    :-) mano

  3. oh wow.....the white stuff has really arrived in your neck of the woods! Looks amazing......great views!

  4. What stunning views! Is that glorious window in the first photo in your studio, by any chance?

    1. My little studio is in the loft of our timber frame home. This window starts on the main floor of our house, and I can look through the top section when I am in my loft studio - but I mostly see it, as I walk down the stairs from the loft to the main floor. You can usually see the mountains through the trees, but the day I took this photo, the mountains were covered with clouds and it was snowing.

  5. You're almost making me miss arctic winter! Beautiful shots. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  6. THAT's your window??!!!!
    i think i could sit in that chair for hours
    beautiful sight, beautiful soft white garlands
    thanks for sharing!!


  7. That's the best kind of garland -- especially when I know there must be a snowshoe hare quietly watching you somewhere back in those aspens.

  8. Thanks for sharing these beautiful winter scenes with us and wow! what a view you have from that lovely window.

  9. oh, this is so gorgeous, kim...


  10. i love how snow piles on branches like this!
    your window is divine, such a beautiful home you have.

    lovely natural garlands.

  11. i was going to say... you've got it all, the natural way, outside your pretty, HUGE windows...
    very stunning, and indeed completely garlandy laced (which is doubtful english).

  12. yes, that´s royal garland, I love it! your pictures are all a beauty, the window is impressing.
    x Stefanie

  13. Hi Kim, nice to meet you and your beautiful place! Thank you for these wonderful images of nature:) Leena

  14. well that's hard to beat, look at this beauty, absolutely stunning, i guess you can look at it all day and again and again, great photo's , thanks Kim, xx

  15. hello!
    lovely work here. i actually saw your winter take in Somerset and liked it very much - so serendipitous to find you here. i too live in a winter wonderland - and see what you see.

  16. Just breathtaking Kim! How can one compete with nature :)

  17. I can taste the freshness of the winter air in this beautiful post, Kim.
    Best wishes, sus

  18. What a wonderland you live in.

    I hope the little girl is going to be okay (from your last post).

    Merry Christmas Kim!

  19. Such beauty Kim! It is heaven. Do you hear animal calls often? Fox? Gulls? Wolf? I would love to see your garland from a time before now, and to see your new one if it gets made. Happy season's greetings to you. *hugs* Norma, x

  20. Oh my god, this is beautiful! Now I'm longing for snow! A lot of snow!

  21. Wow look at that lovely snow. Wish we had that in Australia. Kim your work is AMAZING!!! Karen.x
